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Feeling the car stop I groan putting a hand on my stomach "Where did Charlie think you are going?" Rosalie asks.

"Seattle to stay with Victoria for the holidays since he doesn't celebrate" Leah says as Becca
and I tumble out of the car dry heaving.

Leah sighs getting out glancing up I see her stretching "Are you two capable of walking?" She asks smugly.

"Fuck you" I groan shaking slightly as I stand Leah nods putting her arms around our waist keeping us up.

Rosalie laughs looking at us "Was the rollercoaster feeling worth this?"

"Yes" we both answer together.
Slowly heading to the house the door opens and four women and a man come out "What did
you do to them Rose?" The strawberry blonde asks.

I groan dropping to the ground with Becca "Shit Leah what the fuck" I demand.

Looking up I frown seeing Leah shaking looking at the female talking who keeps looking at

Becca and I slowly stand relaxing when our legs don't give out again.

"They insisted we make the trip at vampire speed because it felt like a rollercoaster they are paying for it" Rosalie says smirking.

"Eleazar called Aro to confirm he knew about your guest and assured us that by allowing
them here we will not be accused of breaking the law" The strawberry blonde says calmly.

Rosalie nods then introduces us reaching out I push Leah breaking her frozen stance "Say
something woman" I hiss once Tanya introduces her family holding her hand out to Leah.

"Imprint" Leah says backing away slowly before she runs jumping shifting mid twist.

Seeing Tanya go to chase her I throw my hands up yelling No she grunts being thrown
backwards to us and turns growling at me.

I sway grabbing my head before everything goes dark.

Waking up I groan grabbing my head "What happened?" I ask confused.

"You somehow used a shield and stopped Tanya from chasing after Leah "Looking up I see Laurent sitting on a coffee table by me with Irina by him "Fuck I need to go find her" I groan trying to get up.

He shakes his head forcing me to stay "No your mom and dad are tracking her" he says calmly.

"Why did you stop Tanya she wouldn't have hurt her mate" Irina demands glaring.

"Leah just got away from her ex who was her old pack leader till she broke the pack bond protecting me and Becca, after he used his power to mentally abuse her" I say softly "Uncle L
I need a drink please".

He rushes off coming back with a cup of water I sigh after taking a drink "Leah would continue running if Tanya went after her she's panicked right now" I say as I sit up.

"Fuck my head hurts" I hiss.
Laurent pats his pockets then pulls out a paper packet with B.C in blue on it, handing it to me
I frown ripping it open pouring it in my mouth downing my water.

"Why do you have that?" I ask looking at him.

"You Mom has made in clear we all keep them on us for you since you always have headaches" he says smirking.

Nodding I look around seeing the full coven and Becca looking at me "If I may I believe I can explain what you did" Eleazar says.

I nod looking at him "Yeah sure" I mumble.

"Becca would you please join your sister?" he asks her.

She moves over to me sitting down as Eleazar moves in front of us looking at us both "I can
identify abilities in vampires and on some rare occasions humans, now you Becca you are a physical and mental shield, Bella you are a copycat you can copy any powers and use them, but it seems you both are able to share your powers with each other" he says sounding amazed.

"How do you explain us traveling threw time and around the world in dreams to interact with only two people?" I ask frowning.

"You must have came into contact with someone who has those abilities and unknowingly
copied them sharing it with your sister" he says smiling.

I nod rubbing my forehead till I hear the door open "Leah you will come inside willingly or I
will drag you in" Victoria orders.

Seeing Leah come in she rushes over to me looking me over "Are you okay?""Fine I have a headache" I grumble "Go get to know Tanya already please you don't have to do anything your not ready for but at least talk to her" I add gently pushing her.

She frowns looking at me unsure "I'm fine now go or I start tell her embarrassing stories about you".

She scoffs before walking to Tanya who leads her to another room "Some way to introduce
ourselves" I snark.

Kate looks at Heidi as she talks on the phone at vampire speed "what makes you two so special to the Volturi?" She asks frowning.

Heidi hangs up the phone coming over to us sitting down "Aro has been updated on what happened and has said the Denali coven should be filled in so Tanya come back in here" Heidi says.

Seeing Tanya come back with Leah sitting by her family Leah moves by us sitting down as
Rosalie sits in a chair between both groups "These two are Alec and Jane's mates Marcus has
confirmed it this summer they will be turned, Leah has a pack bond with them and is seen as
a member over their coven, Victoria and James are the bond parents to Becca and Bella, we
have had a problem come up that the kings would like your help dealing with".

Tanya frown looking at Heidi "I'm guessing we are working with the Cullens on this?" She asks motioning to Rosalie.

"No, they are part of the problem" Heidi says looking to Rosalie.

Rosalie nods seeing Denali coven look at her "Bella is Edward's singer but because she can
block his power he is trying to claim her as a mate and singer, he has started stalking her and
breaking into her room, They are working with the pack trying to separate her from Becca and Leah, because The pack leader wants Leah back in the pack to control. Alice has convinced them that if she is separated from her sister and friend she will be with Edward, who has decided if they can not separate them by manipulating them then killing Becca will work, I have been kicked out for changing to Human blood after speaking with Victoria, James, and Laurent who feed on criminals, I have started feeding from Rapists I no longer
have trouble around humans and feel no guilt over it".

Irina frowns "He is trying to claim his singer as a mate that is impossible the whole point of a
mate means you are physically unable to harm them at all, we can not even change our mates
or know if our mates are being changed because we would stop it".

Heidi nods "That is why the twins are being kept from each other so they can be changed, the
Cullens have started causing problems Leah she lost her job because of it".

"I have smelled them on their truck as well so I believe they are messing with it" James adds
getting nods from Rosalie, Victoria and Laurent.

Irina nods "I don't know about them but I'm in they are my mates nieces".

"I'll help" Tanya says calmly.

"Fuck why not all of us move there and help" Kate says looking at Eleazar and Carman.

"We will need to find a house first" Carman answers.

"If that's what you want to do Aro has paid for a house next door to Becca, Bella, and Leah it's not set up for vampires, but it's only till summer it only has five rooms however the basement and storm shelter could be made into room, between the shifts guarding the house and hunting we should be able to handle living together" Heidi says calmly.

Tanya looks to her family seeing everyone agree she stands I frown seeing her family stand
her sisters slightly behind her at her sides with Carmen and Eleazar behind them to the side
of of Kate.

Victoria jumps up as James and Laurent get us to stand before pulling Rosalie to us, Victoria
and James stand together side by side with Laurent behind and to the side of James with Becca, Leah, Rosalie, and I behind and to the side of Victoria.

Heidi stands to the side alone.
I open my mouth only for Rosalie to shake her head covering my mouth she nods her head to

"You have the entire Denali covens support we will help you protect and defend your coven"
Tanya says holding her hand out, Victoria reaches out and I see both close their hands around
each others wrists.

"We appreciate your support Denali coven and thank you" Victoria says calmly.

"What is your coven name" Tanya asks calmly.

"We have no name but consider ourselves The Free coven" Victoria says smiling.

The witch twins matesWhere stories live. Discover now