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Seeing that the sun has gone down I look to Rose as she counts out some money before putting a rubber band around it with a note on, she quickly moves to an office marked for the lead nun placing the money on her desk.

Moving outside I smile as we come out calmly "what now?" She asks.

"Keep running around till the coven decide to investigate us being here" I say before taking off running.

"Where are you going?" Victoria demands.

"Oh shit, wait Bella I'm coming" Becca says catching up to me.

Laughing as we reach Beverly Hills I smirk looking around "let's figure out who's where".

Taking off I laugh spinning out of Jane's reach before facing her crouching down and playfully hiss at her.

"Leave the celebrities alone" she warns.

"I just wanna see them" I say pouting.

"You are to close to my territory" a woman's voice says as she steps outside glaring at us.

Turning I wave happily "sorry I was trying to see the celebrities".

"Bella get back here" Victoria warns pulling me back behind her with Bella while Rose puts Glory with us.

"Why is everyone acting like we just found the devil incarnated?" I ask while Jane pushed me back again when I try to peak out.

"You might as well have" Tanya says calmly.

"Will someone explain and stop this weird stare off" Becca demands.

"You found The Bloody Countess"

"Oh shit that's awesome" I say trying to look at her.

"Why are you here?" she demands.

"We were waiting for the coven around here to come investigate us being here to talk with them but, my sister and I wanted to see about finding certain celebrities and our mates and family keep blocking us" I answer hopping on Jane's back "Hey Countess, where's Christina Ricci?" I add.

She frowns looking me "you have three newborns that is risky" she says looking at Tanya and Victoria again.

"The Volturi is aware of them and has approved of it" Tanya answers.

"Clearly since two are mated to their prized twins"

"You can see mates?" I ask.

"No, the fact that you said your Mates are stopping you and Jane allows you to be all over her, while your twin stays close to Alec tells me who you're mates are" she answers sounding annoyed "I've forgotten how annoying newborns are" she adds.

"Well fuck you right back you uppity virgin munching dirty cunt bubble" I say sarcasticly "I just wanted to find Christina Ricci to punch her stupidly punchable face".

Hearing her laugh everyone tenses "A lady shouldn't use such deplorable language" she says eventually.

Frowning I look at her seeing her smirk "maybe you're blind but the only lady in this group is the tall Marilyn Monroe looking blonde, the rest are assholes, sweet walkers, or just demonic".

"What one are, you a street walker?"

"Nope I'm demonic, the strawberry blonde and blonde cow girl are street walkers"

"Oh for fucks sake Bella shut up before you piss her off and we have a fight, your looking for support not more people to fight" Ruth says slapping my head.

"Oi ya damn dirty Tart keep your nut covered hands off my hair" I hiss feeling my hair.

"I preferred when you where a sweet helpless fragile child"

"Go put your head between Charlotte's thighs far away from me" I snark.

"What are you wanting support for?" The woman asks smirking.

"Two things really first the dumbest bunny muncher ever is trying to convince people I'm his mate when I was just his singer, the second is freeing the Volturi from who ever is controlling them I still think it's connected to the bunny munchers"

"Who have you gotten so far?"

"Well us, the Amazons, and I got Maria to come out of retirement to help us with building an army"

She nods smiling at us "I'll help but my sister is part of the Volturi I want her safe".

"Who?" I ask.

"I believe she goes by Heidi now"

"Damn I thought it was Renata, Heidi is mom's old Coven sister she calles us her Nieces" Becca says finally speaking up.

"Now about Christ...."
"No Bella you're not doing it" Victoria says glaring at me.

"Mom it is rude to interrupt someone when they are speaking, you threaten to feed me to a shark when I was 11 for that" Becca says laughing.

The witch twins matesWhere stories live. Discover now