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Sitting down before dinner I watch as Carman settles by the Tree pulling out gifts handing
them out.

"Okay girls open yours" she says looking at us.

Looking at mine I see it's a flat large square from Tanya opening it I see a large canvas, showing Jane smirking in her Volturi Robes "Thank you Tanya" I say softly stroking stroking the canvas "Did you paint this?" I ask.

"Yes, I couldn't decide on what to get so I did that" she answers proudly.

"I love it" Becca says showing off a similar painting of Alec looking at Leah she smirks looking at Kate who cackles.

Leaning over I yank her box, Becca and I look in and start laughing "Oh my God that is
funny" Becca says.

Leah nods closing it sitting it to the side only for Tanya to grab it looking in "Kate what the hell?" Tanya demands.

"The wolf needs the right tools to mount you" she says cackling.

"Who says she will be mounting me?" Tanya challenges.

"She's the Alpha" Kate then looks at Leah point to Tanya "Do not let her mount you or I will shock you constantly" Kate orders before running with Tanya after her dropping the box.

Irina sighs picking it putting everything back in and hands it to Leah "Okay let's finish opening the gifts" she says calmly.

I smirk seeing Laurent pulling on a leather jacket that stops at his knees leave it open showing off his stomach, Victoria pulls on what looks like a white fur cloak without a hood "This is beautiful Thank you Irina" she says smiling.

James pulls on a leath jacket leaving it open like Laurent nodding "Thanks" he says nodding his head to Eleazar.

Irina nods looking at her gift "I think I'll open this later it's from Kate" Carman nods agreeing
with her.

Time lapse

Looking around I spot Jane sitting on a tree looking at a mostly glass house "Hi Jane" I say unsure since she's been ignoring me lately.

Seeing she's not going to acknowledge me I sigh "Tanya painted a picture of you for me for Christmas it was beautiful, Irina gave me a new outfit, books from Carman, a journal from
Eleazar, a new knife from Mom, a human skull from Dad, a necklace with teeth from
predator animals from Uncle L, Kate gave everyone something sexual I got a book on lesbian

Jane jumps down walking away from me I sigh following her to the town, I frown seeing her
stop in the woods near my house "A thousand years" she says calmly before looking at the

"That house belongs to my mate" she hisses.

"It's where I live" I say softly.
"Do you plan to keep me waiting Bella?" she growls glaring at me.
"We can't meet yet" I whisper.

I grunt when grabs me dragging me away from the house to the field, I'm sat back on my feet
watching her pace "I'm done waiting" she says raising her voice.

"You will tell me how you can be alive as long as me but refuse to meet me Bella" she orders.

"We dream walk I'm almost 16 I didn't exist when you were human or for a long time as a
vampire, I'll be changed soon and brought to meet you by my Mom and Dad".

Jane growls clenching her fists glaring at me "Just a little longer Jane please" I whisper stepping closer to her.

She nods stiffly "Jane you have to go home you can't be here when I return if we meet you won't be able to leave, and will stop my being changed the longer your near my house the less likely you will be able to leave" I say carefully.

She nods before running away.
Sitting up I groan moving to Eleazar's office knocking he calls for me to come in.

I go in and sit down on the chair in his office "Jane was in Forks watching the Cullens, I think I convinced her to go back to the Volturi".

He sighs nodding "That's good but let's hope she didn't accidentally tip off the Cullens".

I nod watching as he picks up the phone "Eleazar what's the problem?" Aro asks.

"Jane was in Forks watching the Cullens Bella thinks she convinced her to return home".

"I'd hoped she wouldn't go there when she took off" he says sounding disappointed.

"We are unsure if she accidentally tipped of the Cullens"

"If she did we will need to speed up our plan my friend for now continue unchanged and inform Leah there is a surprise for her when you all return" he says giggling.

"Aro?" I speak up smirking.
"Yes Isabella?" he asks.

"I need to know something very important" I say seeing Eleazar frowning at me.

"Ask and I may answer"

"Do you feed on Stoners your always so giggly and strange" I ask.

"Goodbye Isabella" he says laughing.

I huff looking up at Eleazar "He didn't deny it so I'll take that as a yes" I say smugly.

Eleazar leads me out of the room laughing "You are brave to do that" he say as we reach the
living room.

"Your insane" Kate say laughing.
"He didn't deny it" I say shrugging.

"Rose how likely is it Jane tipped off the Cullens?" Tanya asks.

"I'm unsure we maybe safe because Edward and Alice believe Aro wants them on the guard for their powers, so they may think Jane is looking for a way to get them to join".

"Aro has a seer with better control and powers that makes both useless, his seer can read
every thought and project it into the heads of others so they can see as well including see and
know what someone is going to do" Eleazar says.

"Good to know but they believe Aro wants them so hopefully they will jump to that conclusion" Rosalie says.

"It's about time the girls go home" Victoria adds.

"Then we need to start getting everything handled here so we can go" Tanya says calmly.

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