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Few hours later

Seeing the sun up while I watch as Glory helps drain a crew that were destroying this beautiful place, I don't really care what exactly they where planning to do with everything they destroyed or the land, all that mattered was they are trying to take away something so beautiful and pure it also helps that it's our new friends territory.

Grabbing four of the crew I made sure to keep safe to give to the Amazon coven and Gianna.

What kind of guest or friends would we be if we went out and got all this delicious food
ignoring that our hosts and friends would enjoy some.

I giggle at my own thoughts while dragging the snacks with me Becca raises her brow
looking at me "Our response to Renee going out to eat or bringing home take out not bothering to remember us from time to time" she smirks looking at the snacks I have being bought before laughing.

Glancing at Glory I see she is relaxed slightly, with Jane holding her arm in case she can't
resist the snacks but so far she's doing good unlike her first hunt.

Standing in the forest on a branch I watch as Glory takes down a pocher draining him hearing
a branch snap she whips around snarling, seeing the heavily pregnant woman I grab Jane's
arm who sends Glory to the ground screaming in pain while we jump down from our hiding
spot, the woman gasps seeing water run down her legs.

"She's seen to much Bella" Jane says lowly.

"No Jane, she's innocent in this situation we didn't notice a human around we can't punish a
mother and child for our mistakes" I growl.

Jane growls "Get glory out of here and grab a diaper and white unisex gown from the nearest
town and get back here".

"Do not kill her Jane" I warn before grabbing Glory running off with her taking her deeper
into the forest where she couldn't smell or hear the human.

Stopping I make her look at me "Do not leave here stay till we return".

Seeing her nod I turn running for the nearest town finding what I needed and rush back to the
human and Jane.

I frown seeing the woman doesn't seemed freaked out about my speed while she's freaking
out about but the fact that we are clearly not human doesn't shock her.

I see Jane between the woman's legs keeping her hand on the woman's stomach frowning
"Bella something is wrong, the child is I don't know but it's trying to claw it way out of her stomach".

Jane sighs grabbing the woman's lower stomach ripping it open as carefully as possible before handing the child to me.

I dress the little boy seeing teeth in his mouth feeling him touch my face accidentally I gasp
hearing voicing talking about the father being a vampire hybrid like the child.

"Jane bite her push as much venom as possible into her" I order dropping down bitting her

Once we finish I catch the woman's scent while watching as her stomach slowly stitches back
together I sigh motion for Jane to pick her up and follow.

"What is going on you didn't want to change her before" Jane demands.

"The child is a hybrid he showed me his memories about things he heard from his family, I
don't know how or why but someone has had a child with a vampire that child went on to
have a child with her"

Seeing Jane's thinking her eyes widen "Joham was executed along with three females they
were drawing to much attention, we found out male vampires could get human women
pregnant he believed he was creating a super race or something".

Reaching a cabin I reach up knocking on the door the door swings open and a woman snarls, looking between us and the people in our arms keeping myself calm I lift the child slightly.

"Can we place your family down before you attack please?"
Seeing her confusion she steps aside letting us in Jane sits the woman down as I hand the
child to the woman.

Stepping back we keep our hands visible and body relaxed but ready to fight if needed "Our
newborn was feeding from a pocher and your friend accidentally stumbled upon her, we stopped her from attacking but she went into labor the child tried to claw it's way out of her,
my mate got the child out and once I figured out what was happening we changed her we
were watching to make sure she healed".

Jane's sighs looking around quickly "I did not recognize what was happening with the child
but I should have".

"Why would you recognize this?" The woman demands.

"I executed a vampire named Joham and three women for exposing vampires to humans that was how we learned human females could become pregnant by vampire males" Jane says

Hearing the door slam open and snarling we spin crouching down hissing at the man, as the
woman moves between us placing her hand on his chest calming him down.Once he calms and takes his child I watch seeing the child touch his face, his eyes widen before he looks at us frowning he looks torn between being angry and grateful.

Slowly we stand up again as he looks to the woman "I was the last child Joham made as far
as I know I didn't know how we could save my mate from my mother's fate, I did not want
my child growing with the guilt I feel" he says softly.

"You are not to blame for the death of your mother, he is because he knew what he was doing you would have found the strength to change her yourself, because her death would be
unacceptable to you stop, blaming yourself" Jane says in a rare moment of showing her
compassionate side.

Shaking my head I focus on what's going on now seeing our hosts grooming Gianna I smile
showing what we brought "Hope your hungry" I say happily.

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