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Getting Jane to follow me once the sun sets I head out tracking Maria following her scent, I
giggle stopping a few hundred yards from her little beach bungalow.

"Maria" I call out when she doesn't respond fast enough I huff charging at her place ripping the door off seeing her sat reading a book with a wine glass of blood.

"It's rude to ignore your guest" I snark crossing my arms.

"You are not a guest now leave" she says with false calm.

"No I told you we would play later and now we will"
Walking closer I take her glass and book sitting on her lap sideways with my arm around her shoulders smirking because she freezes looking panicked.

"Now Maria my gorgeous mate told me you were once the most feared war lord ever and
could train an army that would be perfect for what I need" I coo using Heidi's seduction
powers Jane's jaw clinches but I warned her my plan and she agreed it would work best to get
her help.

Seeing Maria's eyes darken at the praise I pout looking at her "I need someone to train an
army for me to fight a threat to all of us".

"What's in it for me?" She purrs.
I hum laying my head on her shoulder "The chance to have another battle and embarrass The God of War?"

Raising up I see her frown thinking about what I said but looking unsure I stand moving to the leave "Nevermind then I guess you've either gotten soft in your old age or the stories are
exaggerations, come on Jane I need to find a true war lord to beat the Major she's a washed
up has been surviving by reputation alone".

"I am still a war lord" she snarls.
Glancing at her then around her bungalow I frown "No you've gone soft it's to bad I'd hoped I
would get to meet The war lord that made others fear coming even a hundred miles of you,
instead I find a woman to scared of her own creation to face him maybe he was the one in
charge and you where just a figure head".


I sigh shaking my head looking at Jane "I really wanted to meet The war lord but, she's gone are there any others still around?"

She nods "Yes, let's go see if any of them are available since you're favorite is gone".

I pout following her out slowly "It sucks since you told me about her and everything she did I was so excited, that's why I wanted to come play how you described the fights made her seem so strong and powerful but she's not she's scared of her Major".

"It's fine now are we going to see about meeting the other?" Jane asks.

Huffing I shake my head "No why bother they weren't as good as The Maria let's just go back
to the Amazon coven I miss playing tag with Senna".

Jane nods and we both run back for the Amazon coven once we are a safe distance Jane
smirks "Think it worked?" I ask.

"Hard to tell but you went for her Ego with praise and insults that's something no vampire can handle"

I smile reaching out grabbing her hand "Jane can we play with a human before we go?"

Jane smirks leading us into the city to find a human to play with maybe if it's really good she
will let me keep it.

The witch twins matesWhere stories live. Discover now