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Standing at the Hollywood sign on top of the giant O I smile glancing back to my family, before looking at the giant H seeing Bella sat on top kicking her feet as we watch the city come to life at night.

Once the sun completely sets Bella jumps off hitting the ground running a split second before me charging down I flip out of Jane's reach chasing her while laughing, stopping just before we reach the city Bella grabs my hand as our mates stand in front of us.

Glancing at each other she raises her brown making me smile before we both tap our mates shooting off again calling out your it hearing Jane snarl at me.

Reaching an extremely busy street we slow down linking arms walking calmly.

"What's the plan?" I ask.

"They can't stop us if we are fast just pick who's first" she answers.

Nodding I look around frowning "we have to find them first or get a trail then we can do it".

Tensing I laugh looking back seeing Jane and Alec stalking after us glaring.

Taking off again Becca smirks as we slip down an alley climbing up a wall onto a building before running for the next before hitting the ground unnoticed.

Slipping past our mates in a crowd we smile wondering around looking at the sights till we find a place to sit watching everyone.

Hearing James come up we smile leaning together not speaking as we watch the streets "are you having fun?"

"Yes dad" we answer together as he nudges us apart before sitting between us.

"Any plans for what you are looking for here?" He asks smirking.

"Not really, we can scent a coven near here but nothing else yet, I figured they would come find us if we stay a few days" I say moving to hang off the building by my hand swinging.

"I meant to get who your after" he says laughing while yanking me up.

"Not planning anything dad, mom said we can't do it" Becca says calmly.

"You can't fool me girls your plotting something else to get them"

Keeping quiet he nods looking around before patting our backs "let's go find dinner, just us".

Nodding we get up following after him to a shady looking part of the city calmly walking with him, he rolls his shoulders before taking a deep breath and freezing tilting his head to the side smirking.

We take a breath and our heads snapping to a house bouncing excitedly "remember girls only feed from those who deserve death" he says before shooting forward to the house kicking the door open.

Running after him and Becca I laugh looking at the guy who shot at me "do it again" I say cackling, as I stalk closer grabbing his wrist forcing him to press it against my forehead "shot again" I order smiling.

Watching him shaking glancing around I move quickly biting into his neck draining him.

Dropping his body I tilt my head looking at him before hearing someone whispering, turning I follow the sound finding a man hiding in a closet half dressed.

Smirking I grab his throat yanking him closer taking a deep breath "let's have some fun" I coo before tossing him across the room so he slams into the wall.

Hearing him groan I run up yanking his head to look at me "I smell them all on you, it calls to me the scent if innocent blood all over your hands".

Yanking him into the air I slam him to the floor knocking the breath out of him before stomping on his leg hearing the bone snap before he screams.

Shaking my head I laugh moving to stand over him reaching to my hip I pull one of my knifes from my family, squatting down waving it in his face "let's play a game okay rules are simple you answer my questions if you lie I'll kill you slowly tell me the truth and I'll kill you fast".

2 hours later

Standing up I bounce across the room digging threw everything for anything valuable.

"Damn Bella" Becca says.

Turning I look at her seeing her looking at my new toy laying on the floor barley alive with his stomach cut open and guts laying around him.

"He says there's money hidden around the house and drugs" I say shrugging before walking over to him singing Hoist the colors.

Kneeling by him I smile seeing his eyes widen in fear as I carefully peal his skin "I really like pirates, do you?"  I ask not not getting an answer I huff as I keep working on his skin "it's really rude to ignore someone talking to you" I say pouting at him before smiling again.

Hearing his heart stop I sigh looking at him patting his face "well fuck your weak as shit" I say huffing before slamming my knife into his chest and twisting it around.

"Girls time to go" James says holding a bag looking around the room "how long did he last?" He asks smiling.

Getting up I wipe my blade on a bed before putting it back on my hip "two hours but he went into shock a lot, the guys on the ship lasted longer" I say shrugging as we head out the door seeing the house start to burn.

"We need to figure out what this Money goes to" he says calmly.

"Let Rose pick she's been looking into them more lately" I say.

He nods as we slow to a human walk "I heard they were shooting some new TV show over that way" he says pointing East.

Nodding I jump to the side dodging Jane while grabbing her shirt yanking around to me, smiling as I cuddle up to her "Hi grumpy we had a father daughter hunt" I mumble.

Ignoring her growls I kiss her cheek before taking her hand "Sorry I got distracted from playing tag" I add glancing at her.

She huffs walking off with me rambling about the toy I played with making her smile slightly.

"Can we stay at a convent for the day please, I really want to see the nuns" Bella asks with a maniac smile.

"Why nuns?" Victoria asks glaring at us.

"Maggie Smith" I answer shrugging seeing her nod smirking.

"Becca please tell me you are not going to try to mess with the nuns" Victoria says glaring at her.

"No I do a lot of fucked up shit but I won't mess with the nuns or hurt them I'm not completely insane" Becca says defensively.

"No that's me" I add waving my hand in the air happily.

The witch twins matesWhere stories live. Discover now