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I smile seeing Jane stalking back in the house "Hi" I giggle seeing her frowning at the sucker in my mouth.

"It's a sucker" I say proudly.

"You will get sick" she hisses glaring at me.

"It's made from blood" I huff.
"She's had two now and hasn't gotten sick so I think it's safe" Leah adds.

"What is the point of this" Jane hisses.

"If I'm successful then hopefully a sweet vampires can enjoy that maybe even the Kings will like"

"If the queens like it they will support it publicly" Jane says nodding.

"Why didn't I know about Queens I didn't even get meet them" I demand glaring at Victoria.

"They weren't there when you visited they tend to leave for whatever reason" Victoria says

I turn looking at Jane "I never seen them when I dream walked".

"If I'm working there I'm in the throne room or on missions I'm not part of their guard"

Nodding turn walking to the room grabbing a backpack and head back in putting the jar
holding the suckers in my bag before running out the door.

"Damn it Bella, we have to all go together" Victoria screams while jumping on my back digging her feet into the ground to stop me.

"I want to meet the Queens" I grunt trying to keep moving.

Victoria lifts me tossing me over her shoulder "You need to start thinking clearly without
holding Becca's hand and our whole coven has to be there, you can't go in alone as a new
born" she says heading back to the house "I'll be glad when you get threw your newborn
phase your too bipolar, impulsive and a damn brat".

I huff tugging her hair "Your not supposed to be mean Mom" I snark.

"Oh look my ass of a daughter peaked threw the newborn haze" she snarks.

"Dad likes it" I mumble pouting.

"Your dad has been spoiling you two far to much it's starting effect your attitudes, I wonder if you picked up traits from us when we changed you or if it all the bond making you a little shit" Victoria snarks.

I gasp raising up "I don't have to listen to these uncalled for insults"

"Oh no, you do because I'm not putting you down and since when are you dramatic"

"I learned it from you" I snark.

"I am not dramatic"

"Bullshit you stopped talking to Dad for a week because he didn't know the difference between two different shades of red, and you threw the damn dryer because it shrunk our skirts"

"Bella I will throw you threw a tree"

"That's aggressive, how could you say such a thing to your baby" I gasp.

I laugh as I'm shoved into Jane's arms "Jane good luck".

"Rude" I snark smirking.

"Is everyone ready to go introduce our family to the kings?" Victoria asks.

"And Queens" I snark.

"Fine and the Queens I'm sure Jane can make it happen" Victoria groans.

Seeing everyone head to the door I follow to the SUVs climbing in with Jane the in the very
back seat, Becca and Alec in the one ahead of use and James driving while Victoria sits

I happily cuddle up to Jane holding my bag "I don't cuddle" Jane says softly.

I hum pulling her arm around my shoulders "Why is meeting the Queens so important?" Victoria asks glancing back at me.

"They are Queens and I haven't met them, maybe because last time I tried to set Felix on fire
and threw a rock at Demetrius"

"You also braided Aro hair and told Cauis to stop looking like someone kicked his balls"
Victoria adds.

"At least I didn't grab Chelsea's tits and try to look down her dress" I huff.

"No that was Becca and from what I'm told she was freaked out she didn't go unnoticed by Becca"

"Wow glad her priorities are straight she was uncomfortable about not being unnoticed, not
the fact a ten year old was grabbing her tits and trying to look down her dress"

"You're the one who licked Renata after her shield failed to redirect you, then insisted on
holding her hand telling everyone you were her best friend" Becca hisses spinning to look at me.

"And you tried to bite Corin" I say smugly.

"I did bite her, cost me my last baby tooth too" she grumbles crossing her arms.

"Wait that was all you two? After a mission we came back and kept hearing the guard talk about some children who would be turned when they were older" Alec asks frowning.

"Yea it was fun that day I even managed to convince Caius to let me sit on his shoulders, and
Marcus took us around to see all the art on the walls".

"Gianna fed us lunch at some restaurant she said we had to try authentic pizza it was good" Becca adds.

"Becca why did you try grab Chelsea's breasts?" Jane asks.

"Don't know she was wearing a corset they were just out there and she was kinda hot" Becca
says smirking then frowns "that corset was lie her tits were B cups at best".

I laugh hearing Victoria groan "You two where to damn curious and still have perverted minds".

"Bella licks people" Becca says defensively.

"Girls enough we are here" James says sternly.

Getting out I turn opening my bag taking the jar out holding it under my arm, seeing our group all together Jane and Alec lead us in threw a tunnel.

Following them they lead us to the large doors pushing them open "Jane, Alec you brought
visitors" Aro says happily.

"I got blood sucker" I say smirking at him.

Aro laughs as he walks down to us "Isabella and Rebecca immortality suits you both

"Do you plan on tormenting our guards again?" Cauis demands.

"Do you want a damn sucker?" I snark "and Mom took my lighter away for now" I add.

"Tell me about these suckers Isabella" Aro says smiling.

I turn pointing to Leah "Leah made them because I was mad sweets tasted like dirt".

"The suckers are a gift to you all for helping me with the lawsuit Lord Aro" Leah says calmly.

Spotting Renata I smile handing Aro the jar stalking to her "Renata your bestest friend in the whole world is here" I say in a sing song voice.

Feeling myself being lifted in the air I groan recognizing James Jacket "Dad I have to see
Renata I'm her bestest friend".

"No you can play with your friends later" he says keeping me pinned across his shoulders.

"Lord Aro I'd like to formally introduce our daughters Isabella, Rebecca, and Leah and
Rosalie Hale formally of the Cullens coven" Victoria says motioning to each of us.

Tanya steps forward nodding her head respectfully "Lord Aro my sisters and I would like to
formally apologize and pledge our loyalty to your laws".

Aro nods giggling "Your leaving something out".

"Myself and Irina have found our mates in Leah and Laurent, our covens would like to join
with your permission".

Aro frowns looking at us all "This would be a very large coven, we have been wanting to have a coven in the States to help maintain the laws" he says mostly talking to himself.

"We are willing to do it Lord Aro" Victoria and Tanya say together.

Aro looks at them confused before smiling excitedly squealing "wonderful".

Seeing everyone looks done with the business stuff I huff squirming "Dad put me down

Being sat down I look around frowning "Renata" I call in sing song voice again.

Sniffing the air I smirk looking beside Corin walking to them finally spotting Renata who
frowns at me.

"Renata" I coo grabbing her arm dragging her with me to Jane "Can we meet the Queens
yet?" I ask her.

Jane glares at Renata before looking at Aro "She's set on meeting the Queens to share the

"You want to take two newborns who as humans tormented the guards and scared them to
meet our wives?" Caius says looking at Jane.

I turn pointing to him "I am offended by that".

"You tried to set Felix on fire"

"He mocked me for being mated to Jane" I hiss pointing at Felix.

"You threw a rock at Demetrius"

"He was talking about us like we weren't standing there"

"You Scared Renata and took her hostage after licking her"

"Your exaggerating and if she was scared of a child that sounds like her problem, I was nice
enough to be her friend and sealed it with licking her arm"

"Becca bit Corin"

"She picked her up by her shirt"
Caius glares at me for a moment before nodding "Corin go asks our wives to join us" he

"Be happy they have been wanting to meet you two and Leah since she heard about you
three" he hisses.

"Grumpy old man" I hiss.
"Insolent brat" he says standing up.

"Geezer" I hiss stepping closer dragging Renata with me.

Standing face to face he sneers at me "dinosaur" I say smirking.

He steps back smirking "Cauis are you finished arguing with a child".

I turn seeing the three women move stand by the kings turning I let go of Renata's arm running to grab Becca and Leah dragging them forward.

Looking around I frown seeing Renata run from the room "No you let her go" Jane says grabbing my arm.

Looking at one of the women I tilt my head seeing similar facial structure to Aro "Hi I'm Bella This is Becca and Leah" I say motioning to them.

Looking at Leah I frown seeing she looks extremely happy reaching out I poke her arm "Why are you that happy?"

"That would be my fault I cause feelings of happiness I'm unable to stop it but I'm Didyme
Marcus's mate and Aro's biological sister"

"I thought you two looked similar" I say nodding.

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