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A month later

Sitting in Eleazar's home office I frown looking around "El what's the Volturi going to do now that The Cullens are being investigated, the FBI has picked it up what about Rose she was with them for 80 years?" I ask.

"Did you know Jack the Ripper was a vampire?" He asks.

"What?" I ask confused.

"The Volturi have people working in many places of law enforcement and the government, if a vampire draws this much attention the vampire staff take the cases over investing it the vampires go missing" he says calmly.

"So the killers are never caught or found" I say.

"Yes because the Volturi kill them as far as the world knows they run and eventually are
considered dead" he says smiling.

"But what about Rose?" I ask.

"She's safe because she's not in the coven anymore and never liked interacting with the
humans she avoided them, the Volturi will look the other on her past with the Cullens because
other then being Extremely beautiful she blends in like a wallflower in the background

I nod biting my lip "How will we know if the Volturi move against them?" I ask.

"Heidi will warn us what's going to happen"

Hearing Heidi laughing I look up seeing her leaning on the door "The Cullens have called the
Volturi claiming the Denali and Rose are framing them for their crimes and asking for help".

"What happens now?" I ask.

"Aro told them to come prove that they are innocent of these crimes" she says smugly "If
they go to do it then they will expose themselves and be exposed for being a false witness both crimes result in death".

I nod frowning "What I'm hearing is they are backed into a corner and desperate that's not

Seeing them look at me confused I groan rubbing my face "You never corner a wild animal,
what you just said tells me they are going to lash out targeting us we backed them into a corner with no way out".

"It will be fine" Heidi says waving me off.

"No Heidi it won't, we need to be changed soon or everyone has to worry about protecting the humans" I growl.

"Bella is correct" Victoria says coming in the door "We need to get them out of here and changed fast because the Cullens are planning to build a new born Army to attack us and the

I sigh biting my lip "We need to go and change us" I say calmly.
Getting up I find Becca, Leah, and Rose leading them to the house seeing Charlie sit his fishing gear down "Charlie we think we should take our trip early" I say calmly.

He crosses his arms looking at us "Why?"

"We would feel safer away from the Cullens" Becca says frowning.

"If I say no?" He asks gruffly.

"We will still do it" I answer.

"Just until they are arrested he was stalking Bella it's not hard to figure out she's his next target" Becca adds.

Charlie sighs looking away from us "I'm going fishing for the weekend there's money for
food on the counter, we can discuss this later" he says gruffly "Take the mail in" he orders.

He grabs his fishing gear and gets in the car driving away I roll my eyes walking in the house, shutting the door I pull out four airline tickets and three passports that was on the side he had facing me.

We run packing a few things and grab the money we gathered up plus what was left on the
counter before rushing back next door.

I hand it to Victoria who looks it over nodding "Stay here tonight so we can watch you then
we will work on the plan" she says calmly.

I nod taking the ticket back going to sit down on Heidi's bed looking at it seeing we leave tomorrow morning at 4 am.

Time lapse 230 am

Waking up I groan rubbing my head getting up I pull on comfy clothes for the ride, reaching
the kitchen I see Becca and Leah dressed similar eating breakfast with coffee.

Taking mine I start eating trying to wake up once finished we load up in the cars heading to Port Angeles airport, I frown looking at the paper Heidi hands me we've all avoided talking
about us leaving or were we are going to be safe.

Getting boarded I yawn settling in to sleep once we take off.

Being nudged I open my eyes seeing Rosalie "Come on let's go".

I nod following her out going threw customs showing our passports before stepping out,
Rosalie gets a cab reading off the address we were given.

Reaching the house I look around seeing it's isolated "Best with being changed so you're screaming doesn't draw attention".

I nod following her in placing our stuff by the door "This is the Volturi safe house".

Turning I see a human woman smiling at us "Where is your Volturi escorts?"

"Heidi's coming we had to rush getting them out" Rosalie says calmly.

"Being turned?" The woman asks.

"Yes these two are"

"Come showers are this way we have Razors available for shaving or waxing to remove unwanted body hair, after you finish I will help you with anything else you need"

Nodding we follow to the showers "shave or wax?" she asks.

"Shaving we need to handle our" Becca smirks pointing at her vagina.

The woman nods "I was a professional waxer before this not the first time I've heard this" she says calmly.

"What do you do here exactly?" I ask confused.

"I take care of the house but when we have people come in to be changed, I help them with
personal grooming if needed or wanted" she says while pulling out two razors.

Becca claps "Ohh we want to be fully pampered before our change we'll take help with

I frown looking at her "Really?"
"Yes we always talked about going to have this done someday now we can" she answers

The woman nods putting the razors back.

Time lapse

I hiss laying on a table refusing to move "Fuck" I groan.

Hearing Rosalie chuckle I look up at her "Good news you had it done before turning it won't
grow back, having it done after is worse but permanent as well".

"I can't feel my vagina" Becca groans raising up slightly "I still have one right?"

I laugh shaking my head "Bella do I have one still" she asks.

"I don't know I'm not checking"
"Bitch I'd check if you asked me" she snarks.

Seeing the woman starting to wax Becca's eyebrows I laugh hearing the woman call Becca Dramatic.

"Nope stay back guys" I Frown hearing Victoria speaking.

"Mom, this woman removed my vagina instead of just the hair" Becca calls out.

"Becca behave" Victoria says standing at the door.

"Have you girls thought about who will change you?" Victoria asks.

"We have, we decided it will be you and Dad who bite us" I answer as the woman starts on
my eyebrows.

The woman steps back handing me thin short and shirt with panties nodding I pull them on
seeing Becca ready.

Victoria leads us to a room where Heidi pulls blankets off a bed "Climb on girls" she says happily.

Nodding we lay down holding hands James and Victoria lean over us lifting our joined hands
biting Becca's wrist together first then mine.

Feeling the burning start I tighten my hold on Becca's hand eventually screaming.

I shake hearing whispering near my ear I try to focus on it but fail feeling the venom spreading threw my body I black out only to wake up again.

All I feel is pain every now and then I can feel something in my hand and feel peace for a
fleeting moment or hear muffled voices that comforts me for a moment.

It feels like years between these fractions of peace or comfort I wish they would last, I've
started seeing flashes of my life I don't know how much longer I can do this.

Pain so much pain around my heart I want to rip it out to stop it but I can't move, I know
something is in my hand still but I can't remember what, I know it's important I refuse to let it
go I know if I do I'll be lost forever in this pain.

Hearing my heart give one last sickening thumb everything freezes I'm terrified to move or
I'll lose my connection to peace why is it so important to me what is it?More flashes, pale female with dark hair sister, tan skin black hair a giant wolf sister, red hair

pale Mom, dirty blonde hair pale crazed look Dad my family.
Blondes why so many blondes, pale tan skin dark hair Family.
More blonde red lips, red eyes my mate.

Hearing groaning and what's in my hand move I open my eyes looking at it following the
hand to my peace, my sister Becca.

Oh God the burning it's back I reach up rubbing my throat with my free hand, I can't let go
yet I need her to keep me here to keep me focused.

"Come on girls you need to hunt"

My eyes snap up to Victoria but it wasn't her voice I see James by her it's was him who

I look to Becca seeing her look at our hands unsure while rubbing her throat she doesn't want
to let go either.

"Girls come on" Victoria says softly why do they look so proud of us?

Becca and I move at the same time keeping ahold of each other Victoria holds Becca's free
arm while James holds mine.

The lead us to a door opening it I see stairs getting down them I see two men and two women chained to the floor, Becca shoots forward pulling me along we both grab a person biting into

Quickly moving to the next I groan slowing down my swallowing the burning is gone it's so much better now dropping my meal I frown seeing blood on my shirt.

Hearing another body drop I look at Becca seeing she's got blood on her face and down her shirt.

Victoria comes over to us leading us back upstairs "Let's get you cleaned up and into some
clean clothes".

She leads us to a bathroom and pulls our clothes off only for us to quickly hold hands again,
she turns the water on and nudges us in cleaning us.

"Are you two going to stop holding hands soon?" She asks.
I frown looking at her then our hands "Peace" I mumble seeing Becca nod.

Victoria nods "You will have to let go to get dressed again".

"No" Becca mumbles.

"Well you can't walk around naked"

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