Chapter One

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'Finally! School is over and I can go back home and rest,' I think to myself as I was walking down the halls to the bus ramp. 'Why are American schools so annoyingly exhausting?! Well, it doesn't matter anymore. The good thing about school ending is that I don't have to worry about-'

    "Hey Vien!" A spry, brown headed girl that goes by the name Hunny jumps on top of me just as I was stepping outside onto the ramp. "I haven't seen you all day! Are you trying to avoid me or something?" In all honesty, yes. See I don't like people, which you'll see later.

    "No of course not..." I say sarcastically. Hunny doesn't pick up on sarcasm that well, that much I know now. "Now can you leave me alone? Thanks a bunches!~" I speed walk to the bus leaving her far behind.

    As I step on the bus, I sit in the seat 5 rows away from the front on the left hand side. I always do. We don't have assigned seats or anything. I just choose to sit there. 'What a pain... At least I get to sit on the bus, listen to music, and read in peace. And since it's Friday, I can just isolate myself in my house and catch up on my studies and music.'

    Well... unless... nevermind. Anyway, it's not like I don't like school or anything, well I do, but for a different reason. As I have stated before, I don't like people. I guess that's just how I was raised, back in Germany. I was grown to strive for greatness. It's not like my parents are strict and I'm saying I want to be "in control of my life" and "do things my own way" like in every coming-of-age teen comedy. I WANT to be a prodigy; heck I already am!

    I lived in Germany for all my life, but I was too good for that place. My parents then asked me where I wanted to go to continue my studies. I heard that everyone dreamed of living in America. Plus, I'm fluent in english. So my parents flew me over here, helped me settle in a nice house in a small neighborhood, and... left.

Leaving me to live by myself for the rest of my life...Don't have a job, I don't know anyone here, I can't drive. I'M ONLY 13, MOM AND DAD-!!!

*sigh* I was saying, they left me here in America to continue my studies. As of right now, my parents are fully aware of my situation, so they still send me an allowance overseas so I can afford to pay bills, buy groceries, school trips, etc. Besides, I like to be alone anyway.

My stop is usually the last stop so I gather my things and step off the bus. 'Great! I'm so close to my bed. Just a few more steps and- Wait.' I continue to walk but I sense something is wrong. 'Of course... 3...2.......1!'

I swiftly stepped to my left, not looking up from my book, when an expected Hunny fell flat on her face, not expecting me to dodge her attack from behind. "Owchie..." she groans in pain. "Hey wait up!!" She then hoists herself up trying to catch up to me. Unfortunately, once she catches you, she won't let you escape. Like a wasp tracking its victim that so happened to mess with their nest.

"You know that wasn't very nice, V." she remarks.

"Never call me that again."

"Fine, fine. Anywho, I was wondering if-" I cut her off. "No for the 16,573rd time (yes I counted) you are not welcome in my establishment." Hunny puffs her cheeks, which is supposed to make her seem angry and cute. She then skips in front of me and turns around to face me and blocking my vision of my book.

"You know Vien, looking down like that is bad for your posture. Aaaaaaand.." She then snatches the book out of my hands just as I was getting to the good part. "HEY!" I shout. I'm only 3 inches taller than she is but she somehow keeps the book out of my grasp. "If you want it so bad then come and get it!" She sends herself into a sprint, me following after.

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