Chapter Three

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                                 Vien's POV
            30 minutes prior to the encounter

I walked into my room, grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. "Why did she have to come over at this time of day? I'm exhausted. That's what I get for staying awake until 5:00 in the morning. What a pain." I hop in the shower and contemplate the energetic girl.

'What have I ever done to make her think I have an interest in her? All she is, is an annoying brat that can't take no for an answer.'

Hunny, or her real name, Claira, is an interesting character. When we first met, which was when I was moving in, she didn't really want to talk to me that much. I just thought she was a shy introvert that didn't want anything to do with me. But I was so wrong.


5 days after I enrolled at her school, her true colors shone. I remember I was sitting at my desk reading a book. During homeroom, everyone was talking to each other while I was invisible. I did what I do best, observe. But then.

"Hey! Vien, right?" A girl sat in front of me blocking my vision of my book. It was Claira. I gave a slight nod. "Ah, sweet! Since we're neighbors and all, I was thinking that we should get to know one another! I don't know if you remember, but I'm Hunny!"

I look her up and down. "No? Didn't your dad say your name was Claira?"

She looked at me in shock. "N-no don't call me that. Just call me Hunny from now on, okay?" She seemed rather upset that I called her out on her obvious lie.

I doubled down on my opinion. "I much rather like calling people by their real name, rather than an alias. Furthermore, the name 'Claira' suits you more. I like it. It's a very pretty name."

She puffs up her cheeks. "Fine then! You can call me that, but as long as I can call you......AH! V!"

"No, that's stupid. Don't call me that."

"Now you know how I feel!" she giggles. "So does this mean that we're friends?"

I look up from my book and stare her in the eyes. "No. I don't think we would be a compatible pair. Plus I find you rather obnoxious."

"Aww, what?! I think that we could be compatible! Give it some time! I think we will be the best of friends. Just you wait, V!"


I grab my towel, hop out of the shower, and dry myself off. While doing so, I find myself humming that tune again. 'God! Why is that song so catchy? I mean, it's a pretty nice earworm and all, but at this point it's driving me crazy. Maybe.....maybe I'll ask her sing it again. Maybe turn it into a song or something. I have been having some artist block and I had a burnout a few nights ago. Yeah, maybe she could help!'

I tie the towel around my waist and step out of the bathroom. As I walked to my room, I saw that the door was open. "WOAH! IS THAT A GUITAR?!" I hear a high pitched voice coming from my room. I was Hunny. Fuming with anger I march to my room barely seeing a thing. I left my glasses in my room because it's hard to see anything in the shower with them on.

"That's so cool!" She says again. I walked into the room when she was about to touch my guitar!

"WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT TOUCHING MY STUFF?!?!" I shout. I see Hunny's siluet jump and what appeared to be her head turn around.

"Sorry, Vien. I was just....OH MY GOD-!" Her hands covered her face as she stood up slowly. 'It's not my fault you have to see me naked! You were the one snooping in my room!'
"Can you leave now?!" I say angrily.

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