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                            Hunny's POV

I opened my eyes to a new day. I saw the sun shine through the curtains. I felt warm as the beams of light shine on my face. 'Great. I made it through the night without any hiccups.'

I tried to get up but I couldn't. Vien was holding onto my waist. Tight. I felt like a teddy bear. I felt my face get more hot every second I spent underneath his arm. To make it worse, if I tried to move, Vien's grip would get tighter. He didn't want to let me go.

"Uh, Vien?" I tried to wake him. Maybe if he woke up then I would be able to escape. "Vien. Wake up."

I heard him groan. "Yeah...?" I never heard his morning voice before. It was way deeper than his regular voice. It made me feel even more flustered.

"Do you mind letting go of me?" I manage to choke out.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to." Vien then rolled over, and went back to sleep. 'Doesn't he feel at least a bit embarrassed?' I roll out of bed, and stretch.

"So, you making breakfast?" I say to Vien.

"There's cereal in the pantry." He said still half asleep. "What time is it?"

I checked his analog clock on his desk. "It's 8:30 in the morning."

"You wake up this early?" Vien turns his head to look at me.

"It's not early at all. You just wake up so late." I get up from the bed and walk out the room. 'I think I'm getting good at this whole keeping-it-cool thing!'

I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. I put it up in my iconic ponytail and head to the kitchen. I pour myself a bowl of cereal, when I notice the coffee machine. 'Oh yeah. Vien does drink coffee. I'll go ahead and make him a cup. Oooo! And his parents some too!'

I grab three mugs out the cupboard and make some coffee. Once I finished brewing two cups, I grabbed them and walked over to his parents' bedroom. I then knock on the door. "Excuse me. Mr. and Mrs. Zahnder? It's me, Hun- or Claira Reid. You know? The girl next door?" I felt nervous. I haven't seen or talked to them in a while. Hopefully they still remembered me. "I, uh, made some coffee. May I come in?"

I didn't hear anything on the other side of the door. I opened it slowly. Maybe they're just tired. I peek my head in the door. "Hello?" I looked at the bed. I saw two figures underneath the covers. 'Oh. So they are sleeping.' I walk in the room and close the door.

"Sorry to disturb you. I just made some coffee and thought you two would want some." I walk towards the bed and place a cup on the bedside table. "I'm happy you let me stay for a few days. To tell you the truth, I really care about your son." I walk over to the other side of the bed and place another cup on the table.

"I really want to help him take care of you two. Oh. Also, I don't mean this to sound terrible, but Vien said that it would be okay if, for the time being, I slept with him since you guys don't have a spare bedroom." I walk towards the door. "Well, I hope you enjoy the coffee. Oh, and get better soon! Bye, bye!"

I opened the door and left the room. I finished brewing the last coffee, when Vien walked down the stairs. "Good morning..." he said, his hot morning voice still in effect. He was walking down the steps in a sleepy way. "I don't normally wake up this early but I smelled coffee..."

I smiled and handed him the cup. "Good morning, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I guess. Imma check on my parents real quick."

"Oh no need. I checked on them for you." Vien paused and turned around.

"You what...?"

"Yeah! I poured them some coffee and gave it to them. They're still asleep so I put it on the nightstand." I reassured him.

"Oh... yeah, thanks, but don't go in there without telling me. Remember: rule number 2."

I couldn't tell whether he was mad or thankful. He sat down on the couch. For some reason waking up next to Vien, making coffee, handing the coffee to Vien, it felt like a dream that I didn't want to wake up from. Like we were living as a married couple. That made my heart jump.

I grabbed my bowl of cereal and finally poured milk into the bowl. "So, V," I start, "what do you wanna do today?"

"Dunno." He takes a sip of his coffee. "I need to go to the grocery store to buy more cat food. You can tag along." I took a glance at the tiny table with the photos on top.

"Hey, what are these pictures? I've seen them, but I never asked you about them."

Vien looks at the table I was talking about. He then gets up and walks over to it. "Oh. These are memories that I kept to remind me of back home." He picked up the one of him holding the trophy. "This one is when I won a masters spelling bee. I was, I think, 7 at the time."

He then put down the photo and picked up the one of him holding a violin. "And this was my first musical competition. I was the only 6 year old there. Only 10-15 year olds attended." He seemed very proud of that one.

He picked up the photo of him with some other kids. "Oh yeah!" Vien exclaimed, "I remember this! It was when my friends and I had a picnic in this meadow we used to play in." He put down his coffee and pointed to each person in the picture.

He first pointed to the blonde boy. "This is Ryan."

"Oh! Is he the flirt you told me about?"

"Yeah. He's a really cool guy once you get to know him." Vien pointed to the brown headed boy with the bangs that seemed to obscure his vision. "This is Tabbett. The one who sees monsters." Now that I knew that was Tabbett, it sort of made sense. He did seem like he would be scared of everything.

"And this," he continued, "is Lilliana." He pointed to the beautiful girl. "She's my best friend." I could tell that Vien cared about her a lot.

I then changed the subject. "Oh, what about this one? Why do you have your parents scribbled out?" Vien put down the group picture and turned his attention to the family photo. He then laid the picture flat on the table so that way I couldn't see it.

"Don't worry about that one. That one doesn't matter."

"But why?" I ask.

Vien then steps closer to me. "Just don't ask about it anymore, alright?" I nod. "Good." He grabs his cup of coffee and changes the subject. But one thing still lingers on to me: What secret is Vien hiding from me?

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