Chapter 10

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We leave the room but I still feel weird about Kevin being in love with Hunny. "Hey, Vien, did you know that Hunny's birthday is coming up soon?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

"What are you gonna get her?"

I stop to think about it but say my answer sounded unsure. "I feel that she would like it If I got her a cat plushie. She seems to like mine a lot and seems to be attached to Animo." Kevin lets out a slight chuckle and says his gift. He's going to get her a large bag filled with merchandise of her favorite anime. That's cool I guess.

We arrived at the arcade room and it was filled with arcade consoles, a PC, a VR set, and way more that I can't even begin to describe. Alright, I think you get it. Kevin. Is. RICH.

Kevin and I walked around the massive room looking for Hunny when we heard a shout. Both of us rushed towards the sound and saw Hunny on the floor whining.

"Kevin!" she cried. Kevin bent down to talk to her.

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

"No." she sniffed. "It's that my high score on Bruto Borro is whipped off the board."

"Oh sorry about that. The console had to be fixed, which meant that the scores had to be reset. I tried to save the data but I couldn't." 'Of course. This is Hunny we're talking about. Only she would cry about something this insignificant.'

I walk over to the console. "What's this game even about?"

Hunny looks at me, tears still dripping down her face. "It's about a dude named Haru that has to defeat this big bad monster guy named Jujunkio. The game is so difficult that not even the creator can fully beat every level." Hunny stands up and clicks a few buttons.

"See?" She points to a leader board. It said:

'Creator Kamonohashi Saiki's high score is 5,946 in 5 levels, but there are 15 levels total. This is the highest score that anyone can get. Can you surpass him?'

"My high score was around that number. I think 4,973 in 5 or something like that." I look in the corner of the screen. A little kid, who I could presume is Haru, wore a middle school uniform and had bright red, curly hair. He was standing there twirling his fingers in it.

"I'm guessing that you can't beat it either, Kevin?" I ask.

"Nah, I'm not good at these types of games. Charles got it for my mother when she was still around. I guess her high score was also whipped."

My interest peaked. "What was her score?"

"5,835 in 4 levels. She really liked challenge games the most." I turn my head back to the red head boy.

"What if I tried it out?" Hunny and Kevin looked at me confused.

"Like, to beat it?" Hunny muttered.


"Alright go ahead." Kevin started to walk away from the console. "I'm gonna get us some drinks. I'll be back." I watched him walk away with his pink and white striped flannel being the last thing I saw of him. I looked back at Haru.

"So," I look at Hunny, "How do I start?"

"Like this." She then pressed a button on the side of the panel and it took me to the tutorial. Hunny showed me the controls and I started the game. They weren't kidding, it was hard. My score was 1,562 and level 2 when I died. But learning that this game was so difficult, I had to try. After all, I am a prodigy, aren't I?

Kevin's POV:

I walked down the stairs into the kitchen where Bethani was making dinner. I grabbed the sodas and headed through the door when she stopped me.

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