Chapter 14

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Hunny's POV

Vien was gone for a while. He probably got a call from his parents asking if he's okay. While waiting for him to return, I had an idea. I scrolled through the menu, looking for the perfect dessert until I found one. "Hey, Madds, could I get some coffee jelly to go, please?"

"Yeah, sure." He replied. "Roch, can you make the coffee jelly since Luca isn't here? She's been teaching you how to make it right?"

Rochi then sprang up upon hearing her name. "Yep! I'm on it!" He then ran off to the kitchen.

Soffie let out a cute giggle. "He's always like this. It's so adorable."

I looked over to Yoshi pouting. I could obviously tell he was jealous. "Yeah, I guess. I'll go help him out." He then got up and walked into the kitchen.

Vien finally came back, but something seemed off. He grabbed his to-go box of strawberry shortcake and his jacket. "I'm going home early. Have a nice day, everyone." he spoke in a shaky voice, almost like he was about to cry.

'Maybe if I go with him, I could ask what happened.' If you want, I could—"

Vien cut me off and raised his voice. "No. Stay here." He then stormed out.

"Is he always like that or...?" Ro asked in a confused manner.

"Somewhat." Kevin replied. "But he never lashes out like that...Hunny, do you think something's wrong?"

"Yeah, definitely. I'll go see if he's alright. Could you get the coffee jelly for me and bring it to Vien's place?"

"Sure...?" Kevin said hesitantly. I grabbed my jacket and darted after him. 'I hope he's okay. I've never seen him act that way before.' Vien's not a fast runner, so I should be able to catch up to him before he's gets home. Just then, I saw Mr. Jamison walking his dogs, Paprika and Pepper. I stopped to talk to the old man.

"Why, hello there Claira! How are you doing?" He asked with a grin.

"Oh, hi Mr. Jamison. I'm doing fine. Have you seen Vien walking home?"

Mr. Jamison stroked his mustache. "Hmm. Walking would be an understatement...To me, it looked more like sprinting." He let out a jolly laugh. "I've never seen that boy run that fast!" 'Running? What was that phone call about?' "But..." Mr. Jamison went on, "he did look rather upset. I tried saying 'hi' to him, but he completely ignored me. Maybe he's having a bad day." 'What!? Vien would never ignore Mr. Jamison! He sees him as a grandfather!' At that moment, I knew something was up.

"Thanks for the help, Mr. Jamison! I hope your wife feels better!" I say, sprinting off.

"Anytime Claira!"

I ran as fast as I could until my legs burned. Once I got to the house, I didn't waste any time hopping onto the porch, although, I hesitated opening the door; Vien told me to stay with Kevin at the cafe, but I came here instead.

Suddenly, I heard a smash coming from inside. I took a deep breath and opened the door, but was terrified of what I saw.

The house was a mess. Books, glass, fluff from the couch cushions were everywhere, and in the center of it all was a tall, dark, shadowy figure. It had two large horns with blue flames at the end, and a long tail that looked extremely sharp. The figure had a hunched over stance and long sharp claws.

I froze in place as the creature turned towards me. It walked closer to me and within a blink of an eye, the door shut behind me. I tried to get out, but the door wouldn't open. "HELP!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!" I screamed for help, but the monster kept creeping closer.

I saw a knife on the ground next to me and held it up. I felt tears running down my cheeks as I realized I was done for. The monster was right in front of me, mere inches from my face. I closed my eyes bracing for its attack.

I suddenly felt the claws of the beast wrap around me and its head resting on my shoulder. I opened my eyes carefully and saw it was on its knees and made a muffled wailing noise, like it was crying. It was crying...? I then was Vien. I immediately dropped the knife and wrapped my arms around his neck and started crying myself...

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