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"What?" I say in a puzzled manner. "Nathan, I can't have Hunny living with me."

"Vien, look. You know that she's extremely lonely when I'm not there. Plus, the Takashis are still settling in."

I hesitated. 'Hunny. Living with me. For 2 months? I don't know if I can do that.' "I'm sorry Nathan but-"

"Please Vien. I know that you don't want her finding out about your parents, but could you do this one tiny thing for me. You won't even notice the 2 months flying by."

Once we got to my house, I hopped out of the car but Mr. Reid stopped me. "Just think about it, Vien."


I woke up to scratching on my window. "Oh, Mari." I got up from my bed and walked over to my window when I heard a meow from behind me. It was Mari.

"Wait. If Mari is in my house, then who is this?" I open the window carefully. It was an orange tabby cat. My eyes lit up as it made its way into my house and walked over to Mari.

They both started to rub against each other and purr. "So, this is your friend? Or perhaps, boyfriend?"

Mari hissed at me. I'm surprised she even knew what that meant. "Okay, okay! Friend, I got it." I sat down in my chair and watched the two cats. "Is this what people see when Claira and I are together? They think we're dating?"

Mari walked over to me and meowed, signaling that she wanted to be in my lap. I picked her up and stroked her fur. The other one came up and jumped on my bed, then to my desk, and finally on my shoulders.

"This is the only friend you can bring over, okay?" Mari meowed. As I pet the two cats, I start to think about what Mr. Reid said to me. "Hunny. Living here. For 2 months..."

I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat a little when I thought about her living here. "I guess....I could let her come over..."

Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the clock, it was 11:37. "Who would call at this time of night?" Hunny, that's who.

"Heya, V! What's up?" She said in an eccentric voice.

"Nothing much. I just woke up from a nap. What about you?"

"Nothing. I just got out of the shower and am getting ready for bed. Also I called to ask about something."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you think I could stay with you for a while? Just until my dad gets back." 'So she was the one that said that she wanted to stay at my place. It wasn't her dad's idea. It was her's!'

"Listen," she continued, "I know that you don't want me to be over there a lot, but I just want to help you out with your parents. You said it yourself. You feel so lonely with your parents being sick and all that you feel like you live by yourself." Sounds like she really wants to help. "So could I please stay at your place while my dad is gone?"

I've never heard her plead like that before. "Fine, yeah, whatever. Just follow the rules I told you about, alright?"

I hear her cheer through the phone. "Yes! I will this time! Pinky swear!"

"Okay then. Now, I have to work on something real quick. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Alright, good night V!"


After I hung up the phone, I decided to work on Ghost Duet. I knew that Hunny told me to only work on it with her but I didn't have anything else to do.

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