Chapter 15

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Vien's POV

I opened my eyes to darkness. I looked around, but all I saw was void. "No, no, no, not again. This can't be happening. I-I have to wake up." I walked around the void but I couldn't find anything. I suddenly found the window and ran to it to see what was happening. Through the window, I saw Hunny. She looked scared and was holding a knife. "Hunny! Help me!" I started to bang on the window. "Listen, I know it's scary but I need you to wake me up!" She didn't even pay attention to me. I screamed into the window even louder. "I HAVE TO WAKE UP!!! HUNNY, PLEASE HELP ME!!! YOU HAVE TO WAKE ME UP!!!" I started to cry, knowing that no one could save me. I dropped to my knees still shouting to the somewhat distant Hunny while feeling the void consume me. It began to ingulf me and press on my chest, making it harder to breathe. "CLAIRA!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!!" I couldn't move and the window started to darken. I kept screaming and struggling but nothing seemed to work. The darkness started to drag me away. "CLAIRA!!!!!"

I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. I looked around and realized I was in my room. I looked out my window and saw it was almost sundown. My head was throbbing. I reached for my forehead and felt the large horns attached. I saw my tail lying on the ground. I tried to move it and it wriggled a bit. "Ugh! I flipped out again."

I tried to cool down when I remembered, "Hunny!" I sprang out of bed and dashed downstairs. I saw her sweeping shards of broken class into a dustpan. "Hunny...?"

She looked up at me and instantaneously seemed a mixture of surprised and joyful. "Vien!" She threw the broom to the floor and rushed towards me. I opened my arms and held her tightly, wanting to never let go. I heard her start to cry. "I thought you'd never wake up..."

I started to cry myself. "I know, but I'm okay." We then separated, but once we did, Hunny punched me hard in the gut. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!?!?"

"I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!! Also you have a lot of explaining to do." she shouted in an angry tone. "First off, what are you!? Secondly, what's was that phone call about!? And thirdly—" Before she could get out another word, I cupped her head in my hands and kissed her harshly on the lips.

Before she could react, I pulled away, still cupping her face. "Look, I know. I'll explain everything, but please, just let me be happy you're safe." Inspecting it more thoroughly, I saw cuts along her face. I softly kissed her forehead, where one of the cuts were, and let her go. I then walked to the guest room to see the door ajar. Upon walking in, I saw the bed a mess and the pillows exposed. 'Shit.'

"That's another thing you need to explain..." Hunny said quietly, face still red in shock of the kiss.

"Alright, I need you to listen closely. There's a lot of stuff and I'm not repeating myself." Hunny nodded. "Okay," I say while cleaning up the room. "So, I know you definitely have a question about my parents. The short and sweet story is they left me here in America and are probably sitting in a big mansion right now."

"What!—" I could tell Hunny was coming back to reality. "They just left you here? Why didn't you tell me?" She was getting agitated again and raised her voice. "For three—almost four—years, throughout all of it, you never once had the thought that someone needed to know!? Especially when I'm living here for a few weeks!? You were just going to keep it a secret from me!?"

I stopped what I was doing to comfort her. "Claira, I'm sorry, okay? The reason I kept this from you was because..." I didn't want to say 'it was because I didn't like you' or 'I hated you.' The words I wanted to convey were more complex than that. "...because at the time I didn't see that you're an amazing person to hang out with. I didn't know how to tell you after the fact I realized it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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