Chapter Seven [pt. 2]

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                             Vien's POV

Okay, everything is set. The food's almost done, the table's set and... "Mari?" The black cat then jumps up onto a bar stool and meows. I bought a little bow and put it on her. I, myself, was wearing a white button-up with black pants.

Okay here's the plan. Get Hunny to come over for dinner. Then we eat and talk about what happened to make her cry. This will cause her to feel more calm and I can propose an idea to get Sylvia away from me. IT'S GENIUS!!! Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Jamison for the idea!

Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring. I fix the bow around Mari's neck. I then fix my shirt and say, "Come in!" 'Why do I feel nervous? It's just-'

Hunny walks through the door and my eyes widen. She was wearing a pastel pink dress and her hair was in a high bun. In contrast to  the formal wear, she was wearing white high top shoes.

My heart skipped a beat and I felt a tingling sensation in my gut. 'What's happening? It's like time is....slowing down.'

"Thanks for inviting me."

I snap back into reality. "Oh, yeah, no problem. Uhm, the food's almost done. You can sit down if you want."

Hunny sat down at the table as I walked into the kitchen. "Oooh! It smells amazing! What is it?" I turn off the oven and take out the garlic knots.

"It's a recipe that my grandma used to make when I was still in Germany. It's called Marry Me Pasta." I looked over at Hunny and she was staring right at me with confusion.

"Marry Me Pasta?"

"Mhm. When I was little, she said that she made it for my grandpa on their first date and at that moment, that's what made him sure he wanted to be with her." I see her face turn pink a little. "Cute story, am I right?" she nods in agreement.

I fix Hunny's and my plate. I sit down at the table and we start eating. "Wow! It's delicious!" I let out a little giggle. "I've noticed you've been a little bit smiley ever since Saturday. And especially today. How come?"

"I don't really kno-"

"What did you and Sylvia do when I left?" I look up at Hunny. Her happy attitude changed into a hurt and sad one.

"What do you-"

She interrupts again. "You know what I mean. What did you two do after I left?" 'She's angry at me. Why does she want to know about me and Syl?'

"Do you really want to know?" She looks in my eyes with a hurt emotion. "Sylvia....She forced me to...."

"She forced you to kiss her? Is that where you're getting at?" 'How did she know?' "Rouché and Natallia showed me a video of you kissing her."

"But you know that I don't really like her."

"Yeah I know that you don't like her but you never said that you didn't like her lips."

"Hunny!" I raise my voice, "I don't like her. I promise you. The only reason why I did all those things was because of her perfume!"

She stops eating and raises her voice as well. "What is that supposed to mean!?" I noticed her voice breaking.

I take a deep breath and reply in a calm manner. "When you ran off, my head started to hurt. I didn't know why but every time I recalled that moment it ached even more. These are the effects of a Lust Poison."

Hunny leans back in her chair and crosses her arms."What's that?"

"It's a poison that can only take effect when you inhale it. It has a peculiar smell of cinnamon and vanilla and is popularly used as perfume to seduce others. The only reason why I liked the kiss was because of the effect." Hunny's eyes widened. "I know it doesn't make sense but I'm telling the truth." I say in a sincere tone.

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