Chapter Seven [pt. 1]

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I feel my eyes start to burn. I couldn't believe it. 'No this has to be a dream.' Vien walked towards me. "Oh, hey Hunny." I hold back tears. "Could you move, please." I looked down at the bus floor and moved to the seat behind them. I sat down and moved to the window. I curled into a tiny ball and started to cry.

'Why... Why is this happening to me...?' In between my sobs I hear Sylvia's giggles. 'It should have been me....' The video explained everything and why Vien has been smiling so much. I buried my face in my knees as tears dripped down my face.

I dried my face as the bus got to our stop. Vien and I stepped off the bus. Standing next to him made my eyes water, I started to walk swiftly away from him trying not to cry again. Vien grabbed my shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?"

"V....just....just leave me alone!" I brush off his hand and start to run. I could hear him calling my name but I kept on running. My eyes started to burn again. Everything just felt so fast, from watching the video, to seeing them kiss, to seeing them hold hands. 'WHY COULDN'T IT BE ME!?!?'

I ran all the way to my house and straight to my room. Everything was clouded in memory. The only thing I could see was how Vien smiled after kissing Sylvia.

It broke me. I started to trash my room, throwing everything around. I was screaming, and crying. It was all a blur. When I got tired I fell to the floor in a tiny ball still sobbing, until I cried myself to sleep.

Vien's POV

My head started to ache. I felt throbbing in the back of my head. I tried to run after Hunny but my legs still burned from dodgeball.

'Today was a long one. Everything just doesn't make sense. How did Monday go from me getting sexually harassed to me kissing the hottest girl in school. Anyone would want to be me right now.'

For some reason I think back to the kiss. 'And why, for some reason, did I.....kind of like it?' I started to lick my lips again. I hate Sylvia but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Once again a sharp pain went striking my brain.

When I got to my house, I stared through Hunny's window. 'I really hope Hunny's okay.'

"Hello there, Vien." I turn around and see Mr. Jamison getting his mail. Him and his wife, Mrs. Jamison, live in a tiny house across the street. They're your average elderly couple in the neighborhood.

"Oh hallo." I say back. "Wie geht es Ihnen heute, Herr Jamison?" Mr. Jamison is an army veteran so he knows different languages, even German. I said to him, 'How are you today, Mr. Jamison?'

"Mir geht es einfach großartig!" (I'm just doing splendidly!) he replies. "And what about yourself?"

I reply in English, "To be honest sir, not that great." He tilts his head with confusion. "You see, Claira has been sad and I don't know how to cheer her up."

Mr. and Mrs. Jamison both know Hunny very well. "Oh no. What happened?" The old man fixed his glasses.

"I don't know. Well there is this girl at school that has been harassing me. This morning she was all over me. I looked over at Hunny and she looked like she was crying."

"She was crying? Oh dear! Have you talked to her?"

I looked at the pavement. "She told me to leave her alone." I say in a hushed voice.

Mr. Jamison then closed his mailbox. "Son, I think you should check in on her. When I was your age, when Mrs. Jamison wanted me to leave her alone, that was when I realized that she needed someone to talk to."

I looked up from the pavement and nodded. "Vielen Dank. Einen schönen Tag noch!" (Thank you. Have a good day!)

"Gern geschehen." (You're welcome.) We then parted ways. I stepped into my house and placed my bag down. I grabbed the key that Mr. Reid gave me. That way, when he was away on a business trip, I could get into the house and check on Hunny.

I walked next door and knocked. No one answered. I put my hand in the knob and twisted it. It opened. She forgot to lock the damn door!

I then walk inside. "Hello? Hunny? I came to check on you." No one answered. "Strange." I close the door and walk up the stairs.

I've only been in this house once but I still remember where her room was. As I got to the door, I knocked. "Hunny? You in there? Bitte komm raus." (Please come out). I listen. Once again, silence.

I open the door to see Hunny on the floor in a trashed room. I rushed over to her. She wasn't hurt. She was sleeping peacefully. I sigh in relief.

I look around and observe the messy room. I can tell she just did this after she came home. I get to work cleaning the room. When I finish, I carefully pick up Hunny trying not to wake her.

Her face was proof she had been crying. The underneath of her eyes were red and dried tears stained her cheeks.

I placed her in her bed and tucked her in. 'She looks so adorable when she's sleeping.' I turned around and headed for the door when I stopped.

I grab a piece of paper and write something on it. I then placed it on her bed side table. I glanced at the sleeping beauty.

In movie's, when a child is sleeping, the parent kisses their forehead so that they have sweet dreams. Even though Hunny isn't my child, I felt propelled to kiss her while she was unconscious.

I lean over her and move her bangs to the side. I gently place my lips on her head and give her a soft kiss. " Sweet dreams, Hunny." I whisper. I then walk out of her room feeling accomplished.

I leave the house and lock the door behind me. It's getting late. What should I cook? Pasta. That sounds good.

Hunny's POV
1 hour since Vien's visit

I opened my eyes. I was in my bed but I could have sworn I fell asleep on the floor. I sat up and whipped my eyes. My eyes hurt from the crying. It was dark outside. 'How long did I sleep?'

I noticed that my room was clean. Is dad home? "DAD!?" I call but not a sound answered back.

I see a piece of paper on my desk. It said:

Hey, I didn't mean to make you upset. I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry. If you want to talk about it and/or eat some food, come over to my place. Just want to remind you that we are friends now, so if you need someone to talk to, I'm always next door. If you can, wear something nice. I really hope you come. It would be nice if you could.

Your friend/neighbor,
Vien .G. Zahnder

    My heart skipped a beat when I saw the heart he had drawn at the end of the letter. 'Wow he cares about me so much that he came into my house to check on me. And what does this mean? "...wear something nice?"'

    I get up and head to my closet. I pulled out a dress. It's a pastel pink dress with puff short sleeves. 'Maybe this is what he means?' I put the dress on and some white high top stickers. I walk to the bathroom and fix my hair. I fixed it up into a cute bun with two strands dangling down in front of my face. When I thought that I looked alright I walked next door to Vien's place.

    I hesitated a little but then gained the courage to ring the doorbell. "Come in!" I hear Vien say. I took a deep breath and walked inside...

to be continued ...

[NOTE: While writhing this I realized that this chapter was getting a little long. Sooooooo I broke it into 2 parts. The second part will come out tomorrow so be excited for that!~]

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