Chapter Two

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I stare in disbelief as Hunny waves to me in a friendly manner. "Sorry if I woke you up," she breaks the silence. "I understand if you want to tell me off and edge me to go to bed. It's just...." She starts to trail off.

"No, it's fine I was awake already." Starting conversations isn't my forte but in a situation like this I have to. "By the way, that song you were singing," Hunny lifts her head and stares back at me. "You.... sound really good."

I can make out the flushed excretion on Hunny's face. She darts her head away to avoid me seeing, but it was too late. "What song is that? I really like it and would like to hear it some more." I asked but the flustered girl didn't speak. She started to fidget with her fingers. This means that she's nervous to speak.

"Did," I start, " Did you come up with it on your own?" I looked intently at her but she only gave a slight nod. She started to bite her bottom lip, still turning her head away from me. "Well, I think it's pretty nice for someone as annoying as yourself." I continued. Her body language seemed strange. I probably said too much.

"Anyway I'm going to go now, enjoy the rest of your night, Claira." I say while pulling my head back into my room.

"WAIT!" Hunny shouts. "Uhm," I pause in place, waiting for her to talk. "I, uh, get a bit lonely up here. It would be nice of you to stay and talk to me." She looks at me twiddling her thumbs. I can see the night sky reflect off of her eyes. 'I guess no matter where you see the stars, they look beautiful either way.'

'WAIT NO! I don't have a thing for Claira! No! No! No! It's probably me just being tired, that's all! It's not like I find her attractive in any way, right? I would rather jump out this window risking injury than lo-. Lo-, ew gross I can't even say it without gagging!'

"Alright then. I can stay for a while." I say before picking up Mari and placing her on my lap again. We sat there watching the stars and talking to each other. I don't like talking to people, especially Hunny, but I did it anyway. I avoided the topic of her singing but it didn't leave my mind.

After a while, we said our farewells and headed off to bed. I turned off my computer and carried the sleeping Mari to bed. I took my glasses off and hopped into bed. Mari woke up, snuggled in my arms, and fell asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes. The lovely song played on repeat in my mind and lulled me to sleep like the intention it was meant to do.

I woke up to a banging on my door. 'Who in the living hell is pounding on my door at 8:43 in the morning? On a weekend too!' I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes as I grab my glasses and stumble down the stairs.

"Coming!" I groan as I walk to the door. I'm so sleepy I almost trip while shuffling in my slippers. I open the door and give an exhausted, "Who are you and what do you need?"

"Good morning! Oh did I wake you?" I should know the routine  by now. Like every other morning, Hunny was there to give me my mail. Today, she was wearing a short, black skirt, despite it being the middle of February, with a hoodie. She wore pink striped socks that went to the middle of her shin and white high top sneakers. Her hair was in her signature high ponytail.

I snatch the mail out of her hands. "You know it's rude to dig through others mail boxes, right?"

"Yeah I know but I wanted to talk to you about last night." All the memories from that night flood my mind again, along with that gorgeous melody. "I don't want to be a pain, but for the 16,793rd time-"

"It's the 16,574th time, now." I interrupted her on her clear mistake.

"Yeah. Could I please come in? Pretty pretty please with sprinkles on top?" I think about it hard. 'Why does she want to come into my house so badly? Did I promise her or something?' I look over to her house and notice her dad's car is gone. 'I get it. He's on another business trip again.'

Just PerfectOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora