Chapter Five

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[NOTE: This was my favorite chapter to write.
Idk why but...well... I guess I do know why but you'll just have to wait and see~]

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I rolled in my sleep hoping this was some sort of dream. I slam the alarm clock on my desk. "I know I'm an atheist, but if there really is a God up there, please end this suffering I call my life."

It's Monday! (I say it like that to help me feel 'happier' but it's not working). I roll out of bed and get ready. Of course, my 'parents' don't drive me to school everyday, so I take the bus.

If I could describe the bus I ride into one four word sentence, it would either be 'I can't sleep here', 'Girls talking to me' (in a flirtatious way mind you), and 'I WANT TO KILL MYSEL–'

*clears throat*

Sorry, that was a five worded sentence. My apologies, Reader. As you can see, I hate riding the bus. It's like placing me in a white room and then the only other person in said room is Hunny....You see why I want to kill myself now?

After I get ready, I grab my bag, keys, my will to live, pray to the God I don't even believe in, and walk out the door. At this point in the day, I'm on autopilot. I walk to the end of the neighborhood, which I like to call A.A.R.N., which stands for Average American Rural Neighborhood. I know, very creative!

When I get to the corner, I already see her. It's Hunny. "Good morning Vien-tastic! How are you doing on this fine Monday morning?" I look at Hunny's outfit of the day. It's a hoodie shirt with a smiley face pin on it. She's wearing a short skirt again, this time less distracting than the one she was wearing when she was at my place on Saturday. 'Now I understand why we have to wear uniforms when we come back after summer break.'

"Terrible. Now shut up." I say, still on autopilot.

"Well I'm glad you feel amazing!" Hunny is used to me insulting her in the mornings. She knows more than anyone that I hate being awake at 7:00 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!!!

Our bus comes at 7:12 so that gives me 12 minutes of Hunny being Hunny. I check my watch and as soon as it turns 7:12 the bus arrives at our stop. I hop on the bus rushing to my seat. As I sit down, the two girls behind me start talking.

"Hey Vien!~~" The girls say, raising their voices to a pitch I can't even comprehend. Their names are Natallia and Rouché, or as I like to call them, Nada and Roach.

I don't understand why they like me so much. Is it because they're into the type of guys who just hate them and play hard to get? Or maybe my deeper voice? I don't know and don't care.

"Don't talk to me." I say in an aggravated tone. Shouldn't have said anything because they got worse.

"Aww, don't be such a grumpy pants Vien! Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Nada said in her 'cute' voice.

"Yeah you should lighten up a little, grumpy pants!" Roach agrees. This carries on until we get to HER house. A girl with a pink purse and revealing clothing that somehow fits the dress code walks on the bus. 'Oh no...'

She comes over to me and sits down next to me. "Good morning Vien.~" The girl says. This is Sylvia Taunters. She is the most popular girl in our school. Every guy in the school swears on their mothers that her and her 'girlfriends', Nada and Roach, are the hottest girls in school. Me, on the other hand, think that a dead slug looks more appealing.

"How was your weekend?" Sylvia asked. I could smell the perfume that she used. She says it's Gucci, but I swear I smelt that same scent in Bath and Bodyworks.

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