Chapter Eight

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[TW: (minor) Mentions of suicide]

Hunny and I stand there waiting for the bus and she starts her usual banter. "So I have a question." I turn my head to her trying to break my autopilot behavior. "Did you have any friends in Germany, or were you always this angry?"

I decided not to insult her and answer her question. "Surprisingly, I did. 3 close ones, actually."

"What were they like?"

I hesitate. My friends from Germany are a bit unhinged for being friends with the school's prize.

I start off with my most sane one. "One of them, his name is Ryan, is a pretty awesome guy. I remember that when he would see a remotely attractive girl, he would go over to her and flirt." I notice Hunny starts to giggle. "So if he met you, he would probably say something like, 'Vien! Ich wusste nicht, dass man so eine Süße ergattern kann!' or to put it in english for you to understand, 'Woah, Vien! I didn't know you could bag some cutie like this!'" Hunny giggles even more and blushes.

"He seems like one of my best friends." I start to smile. "So who else?"

"She's my best and first friend." Hunny's face then relaxes once is said the pronoun 'she.' I smile at the thought of her. "Her name is Lilliana and she's just the sweetest, kindest, nicest, person I have ever met. I don't have contact with her so it makes me feel a little sad that I didn't get to tell her how I felt."

"So you loved her?" Hunny asked quizzically.

"Well, if you put it that way, I don't really know." Suddenly, we see the bus approach us. "Hey, could you sit next to me today?" I ask hoping that she remembers the conversation that we had about Sylvia.

"Of course!" We hop on the bus and walk to my seat. I then see Nada and Roach sitting behind the seat to start their nagging.

"Hey, Vien!~~" they squeal. 'This time, they can't do anything to me. Just ignore them, Vien.' Hunny and I sat in the seat not even batting an eye towards them. I sat by the window to avoid them doing anything in the aisle.

"And?" Hunny continued.

"And what?" I responded.

"You said you had 3 friends. Who's the third one?"

I hesitate again. My final friend is someone that I don't really like to talk about. The situation that he's in, or was in before I moved, is so serious that it makes me uncomfortable to talk to others about it. Only our friend group knows. No one else.

I take a deep breath. "Tabbett is a....strange guy." Hunny tilts her head in confusion. "He's schizophrenic, sees 2 flying monsters but no one else can see them."

"Oh really?" Hunny asked.

"Yes, but Tabbett is scared of everything so when the monsters took form he sort of...went crazy. The monsters struck fear into him."  I start to feel the eyes of Nada and Rouch staring at me. "It really isn't anything to laugh about though. He's so scared of them that, multiple times, he has attempted to commit suicide in hopes that it would end his eternal suffering. But, gladly, he has 'immortal' powers, so his efforts are useless."

"Aww. Poor guy." Hunny sighs. "That sounds terrible. Like living in a nightmare you can't wake up from."

"That's why everyday before school, I always check if he has his pocket knife on him. That way he doesn't hurt himself during class."

The bus stops. I look out the window and see that we are at Sylvia's house. She was starting to step on the bus when, out of nowhere, I grabbed Hunny's waist to make it seem like we were together. Hunny jumps at the feeling and her face starts to turn pink.

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