His rejection

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Everyone did as they were told and gave drops of blood and soon it was down to me and Lilly . She had stepped up to the center grabbed the dagger and slit her wrists with a hiss then came back down so now it was my turn. " am never doing that again"lilly complains and I gave her a smile . I then walked up to the center ignoring everyone who scorned me ,slit my rist and gave my 2 drops of blood and walked away completely avoiding the prince eyes.

Prince Marcus was placed on his knees infront of the burning fire while master jack held the crown. " do you Marcus Anthony feeble promise to put this coven above everything else, to rule as leader, to make the right decisions and to do what's best for this coven??" Master jack asked " i do" prince marcus replied . I then saw another elder came with the immortal cup and gave it to him. With in the split of a second it was down his throat and his eyes flash yellow. " I jack oviler feeble former master of east light coven now crown you master of the east light coven" our former master said and with that the crown was on the prince head crowning him master.

" Marcus ,Marcus ,Marcus........." I heard everyone cheered while my senses were clouded with that amber wood and roses scent . My wolf then said one word that would change my life forever. " mate!!" Kenna says " Kenna please tell me this is another joke of yours, this can't be , it just can't" I told my wolf " it's him!! He's mate" she replied but I got my proof alright.Marcus head snapped to me and his eyes flashed bright blue causing the crowd to split. " mate" he said walking to me while everyone stood shock . " your eyes" Lilly says in a whisper " what!!" I shot back " blue blue" was all she said before she was pulled back by gabby and am guessing what happened to Marcus had happen to me.

But his scent was overwhelming my scenes I couldn't think the closer he got the more It got blurry,plus my feet were giving out. " shit" was all I could say before my foot gave out and everything went black but not before I saw his beautiful face.

I opened my eyes only to slammed them shut again " god damn that light" I say in a huff " oh my god your up" Lilly say's running to hug me " arnt I always" I say hugging back then I felt his presence. " may I have the room with miss moonlight" he says with a commanding voice and I could practically see my wolf drooling " of course your highness" Lilly responds and gave me a encouraging smile but unfortunately the nerves were killing me and am not one to be afraid. " how are you feeling" he says taking a seat beside my bed " better" I replied figiting with the sheets. " good......... but you know why am here" he says " no actually" I say now facing him causing him to look away " we can't be together , I need a strong leading female by my side who will always put this coven first" I heard him say

Which caused my wolf to wince " is he saying he doesn't wants us" my wolf implies but I didn't respond " are you saying am not strong enough" I asked " no it's just that you are not a full vampire so your loyalty isn't ours first and plus everyone is terrified of you" he replied " so that's the problem , it's always the problem" I say now closing my eyes " this is not how I wanted it to be , I never planned to mated to a .........." And he trails off " a WHAT!! Marcus tell me!! Or are you too much of a coward to be honest" I yelled " watch how you speak to me , I am your MASTER" he shot back " you know what I thought you were different from them ..... they scorn me!! Treat me like a disease!! Like it's my fault I am this !! And just when I thought I found the ONE person who would love me, not judging me, be there for me and accept me he turned out to be like them" I shouted

He then grabbed my hand " can you keep it down" but then he pulled away when he felt the tingles I felt " oh so you do feel it you just don't want to accept" I say now softly " let's just get this over with, I Marcus Anthony feeble reject the union and bond to you Inez hazal moonlight" he said in a angry tone and right after he clutch his chest and I held mine . " what is that" I asked my wolf " it's your connection it's severing" she replied with pain in her voice " ahh , don't you feel that" he yelled " let me out , or I swear to the moon goddess " my wolf yelled and so I did " GET OUT !!" She yell " you can- " NOW!!" She yelled again causing him to walk out

After I was sure he was far way I let the tears falls " why Kenna why do they always see me as a monster" I asked her " you are no monster , he is just a dick who let others think for him" she tells me and I just layed there and cry . After a couple of hours I saw Lilly walked in. " so!! How did it go" she asked " it didn't" I replied with a sigh and soon enought she gave me a hug. We sat there in silence until she decided it was time to go movie night and to be honest it turned out pretty well.

It was now 5 in the morning and I needed to let my wolf out . So I grabbed a joggers , a tank and my sneakers and head out . I cautiously close to door so I wouldn't wake Lilly and head down . When I open the door fresh morning air hit me. " perfect" Kenna says causing me to giggle . I then ran off , shift mid air and into the forest I went . My wolf was enjoying the run and she needed it. The morning air, the fresh grass and the river near by made her felt at peace . " I smell blood" she tells me "it's a human" I replied and we ran to the direction it came from. I shift about a few minutes back and walked to the scene and there I saw the most disgusting thing. 5 male wolfs had a teenage human cornered to a tree. " your trespassing" I say walking towards the scene while the girl stood there in horror.

" we are just having a little fun" one male says " doesn't look fun to her" I say pointing at the young woman " so what?? it's fun to us" another says " just let the girl go and I'll pretend you didn't trespass on our territory" I tell them " or we could just kill you and do what we want with her" another says " are we really doing this boys" I say in a annoying voice " like you stand a chance" I then ran at vampire speed and got the girl " you came to the forest for some tea bush got lost and couldn't find it so you saw some boys who gave u directions and you went home" I say looking her in the eyes " run!!" I say turning to her and she ran off quickly

" what did you do!! She saw us " one asked " and I made her forget " I replied raising my shoulders " and now you'll take her place you blood sucker " the first male says " finally some action , iv been dying to rip someone's head off since yesterday" Kenna says " here we go" I say rolling my eyes and they all launched at me. Like I said I wasn't the best fighter but strategies were my thing . So here I was dodging attacks like am reading minds and waiting for the right time to strike. Then I felt a terrible pain in my torso . " mate !! ......mated someone else" I heard my wolf say with a whimper but I wasn't gonna loose this fight ...... so Here these idiots were using all there strength and tiring their selves. Then came the first opening ,he swing at me which I caught and send him flying into a tree." One down 4 to go" I murmured

Two more fist came at me again and I duck making them colloid and knocking each other out.then came another blasting pain " this was supposed to be fun" I replied throught gritted teeth and clutching my torso" your good but I didn't came here to get taken out by a girl" one of the male standing said and we need you alive" the other says " wait what does that mean" i questioned " you were being watch for years and someone wants you and is willing to pay millions for you" he replied " so this was a distraction to lure me here" I say shaking my head " smart one are we , you'll need it" he replied again

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