Surprise surprise

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She got to the blood bank and drank a numerous amount of blood because lately she craved it like wild flowers. Heading back to her room she decided to do a drawing. After taking out a sketch book and pencil she closed her eyes making her mind lead her to whatever it did however she caught a scent . " gonna show yourself" she asked roughly which makes a young woman step forward  (the same woman who had called Alex)

" why are you here" Inez asked but she didn't answer instead she swag at her making Inez duck  . Inez swag back but she duck this time. She swag her right foot and  Inez caught it sending her flying across the room but soon enough she was up .this time She kicked Inez in the back and pulled and her hair . Inez was pretty over the edge already because she couldn't have the comfort of her mate or mated anyone elsewhere  so this was the cup running over.she then transformed and gave Kenna control causing her to pinned the girl down biting her all over.

" what is going on here"  Darius says " Inez!!" Alexanandra called " Inez!!" King Darius asked " Inez!! Alexandra called again but she was too far in her little trans to notice.she was letting out all her anger, pain , loneliness and fear right at this one girl while Alex on the other hand was too stunned to speak . Alexandra then walked forward but Darius stopped her and went instead . He got close enough then gently placed a hand on her fur  causing her to pause completely. Kenna looked between the body and king Darius then let out a whimper. " I will never hurt you little hybrid" king Darius says making a warming feeling enveloped in her body.

" why did you do this !!" Alexandra asked and cautiously Kenna stepped back . Alex had also placed a hand on Alexandra making her stop. "King Darius, there is a situation" a middle age woman says walking up " you both go I'll take care of it" Alex says stepping forward . Darius hesitates for second but a pull on his arm had him going. " can you change back??" Alex asked softly .Kenna only looks away sadly  but what once stood on  four paws now stood on two feet. However she looked anywhere but at him causing him to notice her scars. " Inez" he says softly but she still didn't look " get some rest ...... you did use up alot of energy , yes" he says exiting the room and leaving her to her thoughts. " i wanted to kill her" Inez say " calm your tits" kenna replied

Walking down the stairs Alex headed for his quarters . " I guess that didn't go according to plan" Darius says "she just needs time" Alex's replies" could be frustration cause by her heat" Alexandra says walk-in " heat??" Darius asked " yes heat is whe- Alexandra explains but was cut off by Darius " I know what heat is woman!! But why was I not informed about this situation ?? By the way how long ago was that" . " 3 weeks now , and I didn't think you'd care" Alexandra replied " goodnight" Alex says walking away "what's his problem" Darius asked " don't know and I think am better off not knowing" she says walking off " another disadvantage of being king, anyways I better get going ,seems like I will be in the office yet another night" Darius says returning to the office.

Inez paced back and forth in her room like a lost puppy but nervous wasn't what she was . 10 o clock came , 11 right after, then






After almost a whole month it felt like her heat was over . " happy birthday my miserable human" Kenna says " happy birthday my other half" Inez replies smiling like a maniac. Inez got to the shower and within minutes she was out . After putting her hair in a ponytail she got out a rip jeans ,a red tank , a white one sleeve blouse and her snow coat since it was a buzzard out . She got on those in a flash after which she grabbed her bag and head down. " this place is unusually full" she says with a sight but as usual she was out and on her way .

" I heard that miss brown has found her mate last week" Tokyo says " it's rarely vampires find mates so I wonder how her husband is taking it"Adrian says " wait how do you know that" rosé asked " what are you all on about" Inez asked walking in and they all rise to hug her " y-your s-squish-ing m-me" she bearly got out and they all laughed " yes I'm fine, no am not hurt and yes I still love you all" she says sitting down while they all laughs again . When they had calmed down she asked her first question " what were you guys on about" . " oh , miss brown found her mate last week" Tokyo says " wait isn't she like married" Inez asked " yep and that's why I feel bad for her husband" Adrian says " so Tokyo, how did you find out about this again??" Inez asked " I have my ways" she replied "I'll be sure to keep my love life private for I fear those ways of yours" Inez says right after the bell rang

The teacher went on and on about special herbs that could help with some common problems such as heart problems and birth so Inez payed keen attention. Being here was a lot for her and she had also learnt a lot . The teacher had moved on a minute ago and was now teaching them how far their thangs need to go to inject the venom and although most of them already knew ,there was a trick to it that inez did the last time she drank from Alex in order to not harm him. "Be sure to do your assignments for next class" the teacher says while they all exited . Oliver and inez then head for something to eat since the others had separate classes. " what's bothering you" Oliver asked " am fine" Inez replied " I don't know what's funnier you expecting me to believe that or you not believing it yourself" he replied earning himself a chuckle

" honestly am just really confused about something" Inez replied " what might that be" he replied as they both took a seat " yes- but then their attention were drawn to another young vampire flipping off a table and almost not landing. " another reason why women live longer than men, that damn buffoon " he says rolling his eyes while Inez shook her head (ding ding) they heard through the school sending them to tactic training. They both grabbed their bag and head off .

" good afternoon students , am sure your familiar with this training however I am going to test your durability." She says with a sly grain " why didn't I stay home" a girl mumbles "so , we are going to training grounds and you are going to pick teams also I am going to make it a battle . Your duty is to dodge my attacks and stay together . " easy" Kenna replied " oh Jesus" Inez say " I think your a little too excited about this" Inez told Oliver who looked like he just got the best news of his existence nevertheless they spent the rest of the afternoon dodging and fighting." To your left" Oliver shouted just before another girl came lounging at her. She place her foot out and tripped the girl getting her out. " your getting better"Kenna says . She then saw Oliver dodging a few attacks from a male while another girl did the sneak attack but Inez  was fast on her toes to grab her and tossed her away like a feather. " click" Inez heard as her anckle snapped and her foot gave out

"Shit" Kenna says with a hiss while Inez murmured " always the distractions" but luck was on her side because Oliver had win. " seems like we have a new record, anyways you guys are getting better  so we will catch up on this next class" mrs whittingham says " no hard feelings" Anna says holding out a hand to Inez . " no hard feelings" Inez replied taking it .as she was pulled up she grabbed her stuff and head out . " your good" Oliver says catching up " but I still lost" Inez replied " we win some we loose some but be proud of yourself your the first newby to make it that far" he says " hm" Inez replied . " so where are you going now" Oliver asked " home!! Man I am tireeed" she replies which caused Oliver to chuckle , " just be safe I'll let rose know your leaving" he says but she was long gone.

It's now 7:12 in the night and I've just finished my sketch of Alex . I really don't know what's happening but lately I only draw about Alex or Darius or......and there's a knock at the door so Inez rose to answer it. "What's this" she asked rather confused " the king has asked that you attend dinner wearing this" he replied handing her a beautiful purple gown " may I ask what's the occasion" but instead of an answer he walks away . She then closes her door and took a good look at the dress. It was a purple silk dress with a spilt at the side. " wow, I wonder what's this dinner about" Inez says in bearly a whisper " must be important" Kenna replied . Inez then stripped off her shorts and oversized T's and replaced it with the dress that fit her curves perfectly. She then got out a silver heels , a purple scarf from her closet and after letting her hair down she was out.

As she walked down the stairs a rather amber wood and roses smell hit her. " is tha- Inez says but Kenna finishes the statement in a harsh tone

" Marcus!!"

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