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" I'll go" Inez says rushing out and when she was a-safe distance away she breathed out a breath of relief. " he was more than I imagine" Kenna says in a seductive voice. " ugh" Inez grown blocking her out . Luckily for Inez it was a free day for them and they were going to a spot to chill out , now was a different job thought because she was asked to come to the king first thing this morning. When she had reach the king quarters she begun to pick up Marcus scent stronger however she pushed it back and knocked. " you may come" Darius voice says making her a little giddy.

" I told you we would continue this conversation later" Darius says and Inez realizes what this was about " do we have to??" She asked " now tell me little hybrid what is it that's on your mind" Darius asked closing a file. " clothe , makeup, boys.... She started but trailed off looking at the piano. " why is it you hate your former mate so much"Darius asked looking at her. " do you know what they call me in my coven?? Abomination and what makes matters worst is I am not the best fighter. If it weren't for Marcus I wouldn't loose the fight and almost got taken so if I don't hate his ass for anything I do for that" she finishes crossing her arms "I king Darius does see anyone as abominations . I do see some difference species that intrigued me but as for you am just trying to figure you out , I mean you did travel a long journey without surety of life itself just to come here" he replies

" honestly I didn't have any big plans" she says " do you play" he asked signaling to the piano " well yes" she replies walking over to the piano and begun playing. Darius on the other hand grabbed a book and started reading. They continued this act for almost an hour until " have you hea- Lexi says entering but stopped short. Both parties stop what they were doing and all eyes on deck. Lexi looked at Inez and Inez looked back then she turns to Darius. "And that's my q to leave" Inez says getting up " there is a gathering at 9 tonight I would like you to be there, be sure to be classy but not too out of the way because a lot of hungry vampires will be there" Darius explain while Lexi wonders " it's the first since his rejection he showed so much affection!! Is he changing"

" I'll keep that in mind king Darius however do you mind if I Barrow a book" Inez a say pointing at his collection " do you read??" Darius asked "and paint" she replied he then signaled her to the shelf " that's so last year" Kenna says after Inez grabbed twilight " just stay in the back of my head while I read " Inez replied moving off with the book. " what is it that you wanted to share" Darius says taking up another paper . " black lake coven reached out, its the forth one this week. they are looking for Inez" Lexi says
" I see ..... any ideas as per the reasons" Darius says " not yet , but whatever it is ..... won't be good"Lexi replied

A few hours later Inez was closing the final book . " Edward is the man"she says stretching " you have bad taste in men" Kenna says " please!! Let me guess jacob" he replies " what!! No!! Jasper or that hot doctor" Kenna says "they are married men !!" She replies " don't care"Kenna replies  " ugh" she replies .
Her phone begun vibrating and she took it up to see rose was calling " hey mama" she answered " not even a call or text" rose says " am sorry rose it's just sometimes I forget I have a phone" Inez says and rose begun laughing. "Just checking up  I'll see you
Soon thought" rose says " see me soon??" She questioned " yes seem like your little talk with king Darius worked , the palace is open to us for us to have a look around" she says " ok then bye" she replied and hung up

" that's pretty cool" she whispered and a knock on her door fallowed by a smell of nature it self hit her. "Come" she says grabbing a hoodie and placing it on. "Another book worm like my brother" Alex says walking in " it's not on purpose" she replies with her hands up " what are you even reading" he says taking up her pieces . " don't lo- she started but it was too late . " is this Darius??" He skips again wait that's ......" he trailed off  " am getting a nap"Kenna say " I can explain that" she replied frantically " then explain it, why do you have  pictures of my brother and I" he says walking towards her  but she couldn't find words . " I-I ....... She started but could not finish. A simple knock knock pulled her from that hectic situation. " what is it now" inez replied partially angry.

" Alex!!" A girl says bursting through the door and inez stepped back a little. " I need your help " she says clinging on to his arm. " can it wait" he asked practically gritting his teeth . " no!! It's urgent" she replies pulling him out . " now that is what I call drama" Kenna says " for a wolf that's almost 5000 years old you sure act like those teenagers" Inez says and with that she got up and exited the room. Making sure she took up the book he had given her slid out her room and head for the kings office.

" have the s- the king went on , on his phone but paused when her saw Inez . " me again" she replies raising a little hand . " get the information to me as soon as possible" he says and hangs up " you have already finished that??" He asked warning a nod in return. " hmmm , I see" he says taking the book from her . " c-can I get another" she asked shyly " go ahead" he tells her and walks back to his desk . Looking through all the collection of books she saw a lot of options and some where even first editions. " this isn't even out yet"  she murmured making Darius chuckle " being a king has its advantages doesn't it" he says turning to her direction . she could feel the king gaze burning into her back and somehow she was nervous.

Taking up " my first love by Natalia brown" she turn around to leave " are you in any hurry" the king asked " n-no um I mean not really" she stuttered " have a seat then" he says pointing to the coach across from his desk. She searched his eyes for any sign of resentment but after not finding any  she quietly sat . Couple minutes had passed and now Darius was casually steering at her while she was fixated on her reading . " you remind me of myself" Darius says making her jump a little and look at him . " me ?? I doubt that" she replied with a small ping of unsurity  " why do you read" he asked her " let's see I read mainly because it's all I have , being me meant that I don't  have friends nor do I ever do anything fun . But the only thing I always did was read .I have read every single  book in my coven , and am half way into your library" Inez explained

" why do you read" Inez asked after half closing her book " the concept of reading is very misleading .......... However I read for knowledge and for calmness, love and also reassurance . No matter how angry I am or how lonely I am all I have to do is take up a book and read , it's kinda like an anchor. As per knowledge wise , if many people would take the time to read they would have strategic thinking and advantage's because alot of useful information are stored in books"he  replies while she stares in shock  " what is it little hybrid" he asked getting up and walking to the glass case . " it's the fact that you think books are important" she replies " ain't it funny" he replies  opening a book of his choice

Another hour had passed by and Inez had fallen sleep on his chair. The book she was reading still layed across her legs, her head turned to the side with a little hair in her face . Her left hand flinched then her body moved . " mom!!" She called then sniffed  " wake up, come on mom please" she mumble . Valerius was quick to be at her side when he saw this but then realized she wasn't awake. " Little hybrid" he says softly kneeling  beside her but she was still asleep , so he gently shook her only this time she jolt up and started looking around .

He got up from his knees and walked towards his desk leaving her puzzled. " it's about 6:30, so it's best you go to get your self in the evening attire". He says not looking at her.without another word she stalked out forgetting her book.

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