Chaos rising

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Looking in the mirror I realize how hard my life had been as much as how I denied it. Nevertheless I head down . I wore a black thump push blouse and some black jeans. I was going to wear a black boot but decided against it so I settled for a black sneakers . Reaching to the king quarters I had no idea where to go . "The king asks that you meet him outside" a gaurd says " outside??" I asked " head to the two double doors on your last left" he replied returning back to his post. Within minutes I was out in the fresh air and from here I could see many things including the beautiful garden to the east of us.

" your late" he says putting on his left glove " like we every came here before , pfft" Kenna says rolling her eyes. " your wolf is quite feisty" he says putting on the right glove . " how do yo.......  Wait you could read minds along" Inez says but he only looks. " and you just what ?? Forgot to mention it" I replied " it's rather eventful to see people's reaction" he says turning towards me . "Come at me" he tells me and so I fold two fits and went at him . He dodge the right hand and duck under the left after which he kick my foot from underneath. "Shit" I mumbled " I have to say .. you are good but , lesson number2 always watch your opponent eyes" he says giving me a hand  which I take.

Alex had finished taking care the room about 4 in the morning and was now with his sister. " what's  up with you lately" she asked " Lexi please not now" he replies rubbing his face after which he walked away .

Left then right and left again I swag my arms but he dodge them all . " he's so fast" I muttered to myself. " focus!!" He shouted launching at me again. For the past three hours I have been loosing terribly, however this time when he threw his right fist I dodge , left i dodged again . I tried kicking him in the torso but within a split second he was out of the way and kick my feet from under me. (Clap , clap,clap) we heard behind us making us spun around in a flash . " not bad love not bad" Alex says walking in our direction. " for a first timer that's impressive" Darius says removing his gloves . " wait I think something is wrong with my brother" Alex says with a little sarcasm. . Darius on the other hand didn't even look around at us . " what ??" I replied getting up in a flash . " he gave someone a compliment!!" Alex says covering his mouth while Darius shock his head. " I can't believe you just let me waste my energy getting up for nothing" I replied placing my hand on my hip

" I didn't tell you to get up, but hey blame it all on me" he replies with his hands in surrender " you'll get used to Alex soon enough to know when he's serious and when he's not" Darius says . " as much as I'd love to be in the middle of this I have something very important to do" I say " like??" Alex asked " homework" I replied walking off. One minute I was there and the next I was a few seconds away from my room. However the minute I reached my door I jolt back and grabbed the shadow that had been watching me all day. " why are you fallowing me" I shouted . When I received no answer I ripped off the hood to see a young girl. " you won't answer me fine then you'll answer to the king" I say trying to pull her

" wait" she said softly which made me stop in my tracks . " I came her to see you" she says again " me ?? Why??" I asked " your people wants you" she says . " my people ?? Oh so ......he sent you , wow!! . Incase you forgot my people depise me for something I can't control. So I don't think anyone needs me" I replied " you don't even know do you?" she says "know what??"I asked " am not talking about your coven , am talking about the wolves you descend from " she replied.suddenly I felt all my emotions overwhelming me and I cautiously took a step back. " after all these years of torture and pain ... you guys just decided to show your face. Am sorry but am not interested" I replied coldly " but- she started and I cut her off " now go before I regret it" I say turning my back. " in case you change your mind" she says putting something on the floor and not a moment later she was gone and I let out a sigh.

Sure enough I turn around and took a look to see what her gift was about. On the floor layed a paper  with a necklace on the top which looked like some kind of family air loon. On the letter wrote " black lake, that's where you will find us if you ever need answers , when you do come .......please wear the necklace for safety reasons. " like hell am going"  I muttered with clenched fist. " going where" a voice from be hind me ask . " it's nothing" I replied " your aurora says otherwise" says Lexi  " can we not" I replied " fine but that's not why am here" she says "what's wrong then" I replied " I am going to perform a spell and I need an anchor .....a person rather to link me to the living" she says "why me" I replied " I will need to draw from your power to be able to succeed. For the person am trying to dream walk to is already dead" she explained " fine" I replied after which she walked off and I stayed close behind .

We we're currently in a room which seem pretty optimistic.  " seems you knew I would say yes" I said " not really but I was hoping you would" she replied. " well what now" I asked " sit in the circle" she replied. A few feet away from me layed a circle with some symbol. The circle was parted into four with a few symbol in each section. " sit in the circle" she tells me . I slowly walked over to the small circle and sat , right after which she fallowed and sat in-front of me. " if I don't come back in the next 20 minutes, blow out the candle" she explained "exceptos mato" she muttered , not a moment later I saw all eight candles around us lit and she looked as if she was hypnotized. I also had felt myself drifting into a cold dark place. " wait is this supposed t- but before I could finish it all went dark.

It was currently noon and Darius and Alex just came back from the university. " good after noon sir the file" a young woman says handing him a file. Darius took the file and begun scanning through it. " it's worst than we though" he says handing it to Alex with a sight. " please tell my sister her presence is a necessity at this moment" Darius says " your sister is in the chamber with miss moonlight" the lady says " with Inez?? Doing what exactly" Alex ask "I am not sure, I told you everything I know" the lady says " ok ... Samantha you may leave" Darius says . Darius and Alex then stalked off towards the chamber.

" mom!!" I called after seeing a mere image of her. However she didn't turn instead she walked off . Running behind her I continued calling " mom!! , mom!!". I stood in shock as to what I saw next , my mother looked pretty younger here and held a baby in her arms which had my blue eyes and orange hair. " isn't she beautiful Mateo " she says rocking me back and forth. " my baby wolf" the man who i presume was Mateo says kissing my forehead " is that my father" I asked but I was a mere hologram. " what should we name her??" My mother asked . "Inez.... For she's so pure and chaste" my father says " my baby wolf..... it's too bad I won't see you grow up .... I love you so so much. One day you will grow up and understand it was not my intention to ever leave you" he then placed a necklace on my neck, that same necklace that was given to me by that strange girl. "Go before he finds you here, camile" he says " but you'll die!!" She says with tears. Rolling her cheeks he says " I know but ....hiding her would have been for nothing if he finds you here .... Take care of our little angel and let her know I love her so much....... And you Camille I will forever love you" and right after kissing my forehead they kissed.

Pulling away and turning his back he pleads " please camile go before it's too late" . As she starts to sniff tears starts to fall . " I will never forget you or my love for you , I will always love you" she says crying " go!!" He shouted after which she left " goodbye my little angel, daddy always love you" he says in a mere whisper. "Wait what's happening dad??? Where are you going?? Mom!! What's happening" I shouted as the small patch of light faded. (No!!) I shouted. As I opened my eyes I was no longer there but in front of me sat Lexi ,behind her stood Darius and Alex. I quickly blew out the candle making Alexandra let out a breath. " I've got it!! The spell mother used" she says . "At least you got what you wanted" I said getting up but as soon as I did I felt dizzy and my feet threatened to gave out.

Black spots clouded my vision and soon my feet gave up. " your alright little hybrid , I've got you" Darius says lifting her from the ground. " what's wrong with her" Lexi asked " she's just fatigued.... She was stabbed with the willow stick then she lend you an enormous amount of power, it comes with a cost" Darius explained " oh I see" she says while Darius and Alex walks off . " do I have to explain everything to her" he softly says " you keep forgetting about our abilities to hear dear brother" she replies.

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