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My journey to the destination was going great. " liar" Kenna say . All right fine it's not that great but hey am not hungry or thirsty. " another lie" she says again " Kenna!!" I growl " hmm" she replies innocently. Ok fine it's been a shitty 3 days , am thirsty , Kenna is starving and we haven't slept . We are in the northern hemisphere so that's a success but it will take another day to get where am heading. Every now and then I can feel the pain of Marcus mating but it's not as intense as it was the first time. My wolf still miss him but if we succeed she won't.

" I see a cave" I tell my wolf " I see food" Kenna says looking at a hamster 🐹 " that poor little guy" I say holding my heart . " you are overreacting" she replies and I could feel her roll her eyes " go for it" I told her giving her complete control while I stayed in the back. She went on her paws and watched as it looked around . When it turn its back to look at a lizard she went in for the kill and trust me ( Kenna has a killer instinct). " hmm delicious" she moan while I rolled my eyes . We then went to the cave and made a bed from grass ,then placed flowers on it . " and who do you think is sleeping on that you stupid wolf" I asked her " me !! you can sleep in my mind for all I care , and see how delicious that hamster was" she replied "no thanks" I told her" and although she was in control I blocked her thoughts ,soon enough though I went off into a bliss.

A pain in my torso brought us from our beautiful sleep. " son of a bitch" I growled "one day we will find someone who loves us" Kenna tells me. we then exited the cave and i shifted back to my human form . " get some rest partner" I tell her and she went to the back of my mind as I started running .....
upon reaching a good 8 miles I smell water , so I quickly head to it. I was sure to make sure I was alone before I stripped down to my underwear and went In for a dive . Suddenly A smell of deliciousness hit me , then I spotted it , a human. " oh snap !!why did they have to come here" I say in my mind " let's go" Kenna says and I quickly got up , got my stuff and ran off. " it never seem to not amaze me at how much control you have" Kenna says " I can't afford to hurt innocent people Kenna no matter how much am thirsty"
I replied we then continued our journey until it was getting dark again.

We had passed through about two states in the north and I think we we're pretty close to arrival. " I hear something" I told Kenna " it's a v- but before I could finish I was tackled to the ground and pinned down . I tried to fight but I was in a pinned down position so I did what I always do, go to my strategic planning. I bit down on the arm that held my neck and as soon as his grip loosing I sprung up and growl. " who are you" a rough voice says I didn't answer I just showed my thangs " how dear you come to the property of the king and show no respect" another woman says and suddenly my eyes went glowing bright blue but this time I saw there crest in the dark. " I am here to see king Darius" I say putting my hand up in surrender but again I was injected and sent in a deep sleep.

I woke up to find myself on the floor only difference was I had a collar around my neck that went to the cuffs on my hand . " shit" I muttered " your up sooner that I thought" a young man said " let me go" I replied trying to break free " it's no use it's closed with magic, but your in luck the king wants to see you after you injured his brother" he says " I don't know bout you but lucky isn't what am feeling Inez" my wolf whine and before I could answer the cell was open and am being pulled up by my collar. The corridor to where we were going was pretty dark and lonely but my feet's were about to give out because of the journey to here. Then suddenly my prayers were answered , when we came to a door and it was shoved open.

" down!!" Jayden says pushing me down on my knees " you may go now Jayden" I heard a stern voice says and something about it almost made me weak in the knees . " we are about to get sacrificed and your drooling Inez , may the moon goddess help me with this stupid child" she complains . " not only vampire but wolf fascinating" I heard that sexy voice say " so tell me little hybrid why don't I kill you right here" he asked " are we supposed to answer that"Kenna asked but I ignored her " look at me!!" He order and I slowly rose my head and man I almost passed out . Now remember when I said Marcus was the most beautiful man I've ever seen ?? Ok I didn't say that exactly but if you thought Marcus was hot then you should see king Darius. He had hazel green eyes , blond curly hair that reached little bit pass his ears, not to mention that scar over his eyes and He had a particular ring that I've seen before on his brother and my former mate.

He wore a nice white pants and long sleeve shirt fallowed by a jacket and around his neck layed a purple crystal " a king in a suit .." Kenna says. " now little hybrid, what . Are . You . Doing . Here??" He asked " I came here for you to strip me of my vampire abilities" I said in a plain voice and everyone looks at me "why would someone want that" he asked rather confused "because I was rejected and my mate has chosen another to be his queen /mate and also to breed" I told the honest truth " and many has recover from losing a mate , I did!!! I dismissed your plead , you shall be sent back to your coven" he says turning his back and two guard came and touch me. " you will not touch me!!" I yelled and they all came to a sudden stop ,causing even me to be in shock. I knew I could compel humans but only royals could compel vampires .

" how can a mare vampire compel another" Alexandra ( his sister) asked "ok I will do one thing for you , you will stay here and attend our gifted classes since you are our first ever hybrid .....however I cannot strip you of your abilities not without better causes" he says " king Darius !!" Alexandra called " I know what you are going to say sister but trust your brother" he says " I don't trust her" Alexandra replied looking at Inez " so am stuck with the pain" Inez says under her breath " it will disappear with time little hybrid" was all he replied " I will give you something   in return for your kindness , bring you brother to me" she says although he hesitated  for a second soon enough

The king waved his hands to a gaurd and with in minutes his brother walked in with the help of a woman. He was brought in front of the king and placed to sit beside his sister. " I can't do it with these" she says holding her hands up " your trusting her Darius" Alexandra asked but the king didn't answer . He walked over to Inez and placed his hand over the cuffs , it then lit up and fall to the ground. Inez walked over to his brother ( Alex) and bit her arm then brought it to his mouth. " drink" she says and he gave her a look " it's the only cure for a bite from a hybrid" she says rolling her eyes .he then bit down on her arm causing her to bite her lip .alex had tasted blood before but hers were extraordinary and it's like he couldn't get enough.

"Alex!!" Alexandra called but it's like he didn't even hear her . He then brought her hand impossibly closer to his mouth and held on with both his hands like his life depended on it. " it's h-heal" Inez mutter but she was going dizzy from loosing too much blood. " Alex!! Your draining her" Darius shouted but Alex was in another dimension . Darius then ran to Inez while Alexandra ran to her twin. Alexandra grab Alex by his arm and sank her nails into them while Darius grabbed Inez and was a good distance away in flash . " how long have you been traveling" Darius ask "4 days your highness" she replied in mere a whisper " have you fed" he asked again " I have full control of my thurst so I'll be fine" Inez says in a low voice " so you haven't fed and you decided to let another feed off you ?? Very smart" he says leading her to the blood bank of the kingdom.

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