Heavenly scent

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It's seems like we've been here for 2 days maybe but I was feeling ok for now no pain no blood. " so where is everyone else" I asked ryan " am not sure ...... this is a place where I would return to , it's how the pack grounds were before the massacre" he told me " what massacre are you talking about" Inez asked " the one that was made to kill your father" Ryan explain " my father was killed" I asked him and he walked off . " your mother was a powerful witch who happened to fall in love with a human . They got married and had four kids before you but your father had a run in with a vampire one day and was bitten...... after a few hours of the venom coursing through his veins he became a fully wing vampire and he changed ....

It was like he became a totally different person and the love he had for your mother died with him. That's when she met your father a werewolf alpha and she fell in love all over again. He gave her love , joy , attention and his loyalty and with intimacy involved you came into play. Your mother couldn't let her husband know that you were not his so eventually she lied to him that you were his.we all knew the law werewolves and vampires don't mix so when you were born your mother hid you in plain sight. When you were about 3 months old your mother wanted your father to meet you so she brought you to his pack.

Little did she know she was being fallowed and that's how he found out about her affair however he didn't know about you yet so he left and ordered a massacre on your father's pack" he explained " so you still haven't tell me if he really died" I told him " that I don't know" he tells me and somehow I knew it was the truth . " by the way how do you know all this" I asked " for most of it I was there and other times I heard stories" he tells me earning a chuckle.

Alex , Lexi , Lilly and rose we're currently on their way to the last place they saw their beloved Inez. " they were supposed to check in by now. "Am not surprised" Alex says " are you saying she's dead" rose asked " please stop talking" Alex warned " god!! calm down" Lexi says and they all went silent. " am not saying she's dead..... am just saying Inez disappeared and royalty reappearance isn't a coincidence" Alex says

" am never accepting you" Darius says " your really inlove with her arnt you" royalty ask " it's non of your business" Darius replied " well I've told you your options so am just gonna watch the show" royalty says sitting down while Darius walked out.within minutes he was in Inez room and something caught his eyes. " god this room rids of her" he grumbled taking up her sketch book. When he opened it he saw the ring that's on his finger , the same one only three people in this world own ...... then he skipped again and he saw himself. " where are you my little hybrid" he says skipping again only to see a picture of Alex. " your so goddamn perfect" he complains but something else caught his eye . There was another book under her pillow which only made him curious so he took it out.

(Marcus initiation ceremony)

I have a mate but he doesn't want me. Not that am suprised who would want a freak such as myself. " everyone is terrified of you" I think were his exact words . Never have I ever been so lost, I wonder if I had parents to love me or want me. He has a chosen mate thought and she is smoking hot and normal and- but he skipped not wanted to see anymore of her pain

( day 15 of moving into a palace)

Things were looking up and although I was a mateless virgin I was contented. Honestly I have also made a few friends and although I was still feeling the pain of the mate bond I choose to ignore it. Darius chuckled a bit before he stopped reading

( day 30 my heat)

God it's my first time feeling this and I am angry , frustrated, mentally unstable and I want to rip something apart. I am currently lonely and in my room gaslighting myself. Why was I such a bad lucked person just a little affection wouldn't kill somebody to show me right I mean ..... I have no parents everyone sees me as an abomination and sure seem their right.- And again Darius skipped few pages

(Day 52 ........)

I think I have feelings for the kings. Just seeing him each day makes me feel warm inside.I wonder what he looks like in the morning or if he likes gifts . I wonder what his favorite colors is and what he like to do in his free time...... here my wolf is practicing drooling over both men so I'll keep my distance nevertheless why would they want me an just a ...... and their kings

Upon reading that he closed the book and walked out with it " when I left you , you couldn't take it ,you made some really stupid choices, now that you got a second chance and you let it pass you by a......... and now she's dead because of you ,I don't know how you'll live with that" royalty mouthing but Darius walked up to her and snapped her neck . " tie her up" he says to two men as they took her and he continued walking.

" if you don't get out of here soon your real body will die"Ryan tells me " how do we get out thought , plus what if I actually find peace" Inez says " I don't know if you'll do but if we want out the only thing to do is break the spell" ryan says and Inez went quiet for a few seconds looking at her fingers. " find something in here that represents you" she tells ryan " I wouldn't know what represents me thought" Ryan's says " I can't really judge you because I don't really know you, the only thing I know is what you tell me and I am yet to figure you out" inez says . She then looked around until her eye's caught something and unintentionally ryan also looked. "No you are not serious" ryan says " hey........... it's not that bad" she told him grabbing a candle . " a candle can't be burnt in the breeze Inez" ryan says "but it does try" she replied

" so how am I a candle..... " ryan asked " because you always has a reason to keep you flames burning" she replied and he passed her a flower. " your always that one beautiful thing in the horror" he says showing her. " let's hope this work.... Or I'll loose you forever" ryan says . After one last look Inez hand him the candle and he handed her the flower .

She no longer stood in a times lapse the next time she opened her eyes. she landed in her body and on a cold floor . " finally , wait...... ryan!!" She called but instead she heard a echo . " god!! Your finally awake don't scare me like that .... I thought you were gone" Kenna says " am sorry I was spelled..... have you seen... ry-" Inez explain but Kenna cutted in " I know ,I could see you and hear you but I couldn't pass the barrier ,anyways ryan is probably back where his original body is but that psycho moved your body to an under ground cave" Kenna explains " how do we get out " Inez asked " that's the thing..... I have no idea I only figured out it was a cave when you echoed " man we are screwed" Inez replied

" how could she just disappear" Alex asked rubbing his face. " I am royally screwed" he says again " brother calm" Lexi says " I am calm now please find h- but before he could finish she spoke " I can sense her" Lexi says " I can sense her but it's weak.......which means she's definitely underground" she says " so why can't I sense her..... am loosing my shit here" Alex says....." she is cloaked that's the reason... your brothers mate is working with a witch" she summarized meanwhile Alex walked off and dialed a number after telling his sister "keep looking".

"Hello dear brother" Darius answered " you are there harboring a menace that sentenced our mate to death"Alex says " am not harboring her.... However dear brother you know how powerful my love can be so if my , I mean our mate isn't found by nightfall .... The world will know how dangerous it can be when it's turned into hate. I will set it on fire and drink whiskey while it burns " Darius replied looking at royalty tied down on a chair . "I'll let you know if we find her ...... if we don't i don't know what I'll do without her brother" Alex explained while Darius only hang up to escape the thought of not seeing her or inhaling her calming scent.

Removing the needle which lead to the bag of siver keeping her weak , he hit her in the face waking her up . " ouch , you son of a bitch"she complained " you wanna nigotiate? Let negotiate " he shouted

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