𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑥

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It is not everyday Baba will ask to talk to you privately for no special reason. But he does, so when he asked me to meet him in his study, I thought hard on what it could be about, but I couldn't think of anything. I went into the room and met him standing in a corner. It's a little station where he makes tea.

He replied my salam but did say anything after, so I waited patiently for him to finish and when he did, he turned to me with two mugs in his hands.

He walked to the balcony and I followed him out, he sat and I did too then he pushed one cup to me.

"Thank you". I said quietly. He was quiet for a while, watching the darkening sky, I did too.

"How is halima's wedding preparations going". He asked but I think that question should be for the bride.

"Alhamdulillah everything is going smoothly". I replied and he nodded. I raised the cup to my mouth.

"I was thinking after your graduation, we'd also prepare for yours". I swallowed the tea, my mind struggling with what to give attention, what baba said or the fact that the tea was amazingly soothing.

"Is there any reason why you say that". I would have taken it as a joke but I know he isn't.

"Because, I want you to also be married". I was quiet for a minute, thinking of the best way to put my response.

"I don't think that is necessary".

"What?". He looked at me.

"Me getting married. I don't think it's necessary, I'm fine like this".

"Ofcourse you are. But getting married is completing half your Deen, Allah will happy with you. Your parents will,  I will be happy". Of course he had to use that line.

"Fine then, when the right time comes".

"I just knew you'd say that. I think I have a suitor for you".

"You had this all planned out right?". I turned to him with a suspicious look.

"Ofcourse not".

"So who is this suitor".

"Hashim". I looked at him again.

"You mean Hashim, your son?". He looked at me blankly.

"Isn't he married?".

"Yes, is that a problem". A very big one.

"Not exactly, but I don't want to intrude or interrupt, you know something like that?".

"Hashim knows how to keep his home in check". By home he means his wife. I heard Baba doesn't exactly like her. He didn't want them to marry, but their mother did, so the marriage happened.

"And he is okay with this?".

"Ofcourse, we spoke about this already".

"So, what if I say no?". He was quiet for a bit.

"I have no problem with you choosing your own spouse but I don't think I can trust just anyone. But I know I can trust Hashim, he is responsible and he won't do anything to get on my bad side. Besides, let me be selfish by keeping you to myself, if you marry someone else, you'll join their family".

"But think about it, if you are sure you are not okay with it. It's okay". I nodded but I doubt he wanted me to refuse, I pushed the matter from my head and then we started talking about other stuff. I loved have spending time with him like this.

I left him to work sometime later, halima saw me on the way to my room and she pulled me into her room. I sat on the bed, my back against the head board, my legs stretched out in front of me. She knelt on the opposite side of the bed, with her elbows up on the bed.

"So, what did you guys talk about?". I looked at her.

"You already know". I narrowed my eyes at her.

"How would I? Just tell me".

"He wants me to marry your brother".

"Seriously?!". I'm sure she knows. If she didn't, she'll probably be speechless.

"That's great. Like we are sisters, but now it will be deeper. When is it". I have her my signature blank look.

"Sorry, so did you agree?". That's what she should have asked first.

"I didn't give him a reply, he said I should think about it, but obviously halima he wants me to and I think he knows I'll do anything to make him happy so he's using having an advantage". She smiled.

"Well, I think yes. But he will never force you to do what you don't want to, you can refuse".

"I know, but the thing is or there are two things. One, I have nothing to lose if I do marry your brother, I mean it's not like I plan on ever getting married. Two, your brother is married".

"So? He's allowed to have four wives". I have her the blank look again.

"I'm serious. Besides I don't like her much".

"Let me call him". She picked her phone and dialed his number. It rang and then he picked.

"Ina wuni Yaya". She greeted first.

"Lafiya, sadiya". He replied, his voice could be very much mistaken for Baba's. She had put him on speaker.

"Don't call me that!".

"How are you all?". He asked.

"Fine Alhamdulillah". She replied.

"So... I heard..". She started.


"Baba found you someone to marry".

"Someone you already know". She laughed.

"Okay yes. So, how do you feel". As much as I didn't want to listen to this, I still sat there pretending to use my phone.

"I don't know. I haven't told mama yet".

"Oh, but I'm sure she won't have a problem if you're okay with it. Which you are right?". He was quiet for a minute.


"What of ya Dee?".

"I haven't told her, I don't know what she'll say".

"Do you need her permission".

"No. But still".

"Okay then, ango. And, nevermind".


"I wanted to tell you not miss my wedding, but I doubt you will even try that. Right?".

"Right". He laughed and then they said their goodbyes.

"I'll send you her picture!". Halima said before they cut off.


"Daliah". I rose my eyes to glare at her but she was already giggling mischievously.

"I know what she looks like".

"You only saw her for minutes. I'll send it to you".

"Okay, sadiya. Take care". They hung up finally.

"Don't you dare". I told her immediately.

"I'll still send it anytime so just calm down. Don't worry I'll look for a nice one". I rolled my eyes.

She started scrolling through her phone and kept complaining on how I don't smile and it's reflected in all the pictures. She finally picked one, she said it's one I wasn't ready for so it won't look like I didn't smile deliberately, I shook my head.

After she sent it, she continued scrolling through her phone.

"See his wife". She showed me her screen.

It was a picture of her and Hashim together. She had fair skin, her makeup made to perfection, she was wearing a fitted gown so I could see she had a nice shape. Finally, they look so happy together. Good for them.

I'm not jealous. Of them being together, or of her body. Yes, I know I'm self-conscious about it, not in a way of me hating it, no.

I gave her back her phone. In approximately two years I might be married to him. Most likely.

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