𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒

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Everyone insisted on batool coming back to Kaduna with us, she's on holiday and she wanted to so I couldn't refuse. Hashim would resume khadija's house so it's actually good to have someone with me.

We arrived home in the evening and the moment I saw the painting hanging on the wall in the hallway. I brought it down, it was heavy but I did still. I leaned it against the wall, making a mental note to burn it later. Hashim and batool were quiet as I did this. I showed batool to the guest room then we all retired to our rooms, I couldn't welcome any sleep.

After Isha, I left my room and went to batools room, she wasn't there, Hashim wasn't in his too. I went downstairs and heard sounds coming from the kitchen. I went there and stood by the door watching them converse as they made dinner.

"You're up". Hashim said looking at me, I made my way inside.

I went to the fridge and got out a bottle of malt and stood beside batool by the island.

"Aha, batoola, while I'm away make sure she doesn't turn malt to her water and food". He said looking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I eat better now, don't I?". I looked between them both. Batool picked the water in front of her and took a sip, trying to avoid answering the question.

"I think.. you two have ganged up against me". I looked at the both of them again.

"Okay, well you do eat better. But I want you to make food your number one priority. After me of course". He added the last part quickly and batool and I laughed.

Like that, as he made dinner, we teased eachother and laughed. I had totally forgotten about anything that happened in the past week, not everything but in that moment it all meant nothing.

"And batool, anytime you want to go out, pester her to take you wherever. She never goes out".

"You're trying to make her see me as a boring person. Don't worry, we'll have the time of our lives, without you".  He only shrugged not believing me.

His phone rang and since I was the closest to it, he asked me to pass it to him. I didn't want to look but I saw it was 'dee' calling. When he looked at the screen, he just dropped it face down on the table after silencing it. I'm not curious and I don't want to know why, I told myself.

Later, batool went to her room to rest. I changed to my pajamas too and went to Hashim's room, he was standing outside on the balcony by the railings, something I noticed he did often, he said he picked it up from me, but usually he sits with me, this should be the first time I'm seeing him out alone and something about his stance told me something was wrong.

I went to him and wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Is everything okay?". I asked quietly. He turned slightly.

"Yes, are you ready for bed?". I sighed before replying with a yes and we went to lay down.

Even as he held me, I could feel he wasn't still okay, so just to provide him comfort, I rubbed his back until i was sure he was asleep. I noticed that he was holding unto me, his head on my chest when usually it was the other way round.

The next day he was fine again and while he got ready for work, I watched him with a sad expression knowing if he left now, I won't be seeing again until after two days. I didn't want to think about it but I already did and I am still thinking about it.

He finally turned to look at when he was done, looking handsome as ever. I felt tears roll down my cheeks but I was quick to swipe at them but he saw that and walked to where I sat on the  bed and sat in front of me.

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