Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

“SO, HOW WAS YOUR first day at your new L.A High School?” My dad asked, setting down my bowl filled with spaghetti. Thankfully my meat hunger died down a little bit when I'd snacked on a squirming bird a little while ago. But I'd definitely need to fit a meal in before I went to the football game.

“Good. There's a football game at 7 so I think I'm gonna go to it,” I stated, shoving a fork full of pasta in my mouth.

My dad nodded and started to say something but Mason cut him off. “Who's taking you?”

I shrugged. “Just a friend.”


I rolled my eyes at him and pushed my plate away from me.

“Done already?” my father asked.

I nodded and said, “I have to change and start my math homework, so if you'll excuse me-e.” I said, scattering from the dinner table.

Once in my room I plugged in my straighter and waited for it to heat up while I changed.

I exchanged my yellow tank top for a flower-printed three-quartered shirt (I didn't bother to change into longer shorts, if anyone touched anything they'd just have to feel my 5 foot 5 wrath) and swapping my heart locket for my key necklace. The shirt was tight, but not so tight it looked painted on like a certain someone's.

I mentally shook myself.

No, don't think about her. I mentally scolded.

The flat-iron was ready and I straightened my hair until it hung at near-waste length.

After some mascara and spurts of my perfume, I was ready by 6.

Good. Now, just to sneak out for a little snack.

Stepping onto the balcany attached to my room, I quietly slid down it, landing silently on the ground. Glancing around quickly in case anyone was around, which no one was, I shifted into wold form.

Stretching my paws out in front of me, I carefully licked my blond front paw.

Why I dyed my hair was always a question that popped up a lot. I'd always just say, “I just got tired of my blond hair.” But it was really because I needed to disguise myself from my wolf's fur color.

No one knew I was a werewolf, and I was determined to keep it like that.

Strolling through the woods I easily snatched up a very nice plump rabbit.

He was a feisty one, but didn't stand a chance against me.

Satisfied with myself and my meal, I sauntered back through the woods when a twig snapped behind me. I whirled around and came face to face with yellow eyes, much like mine.

He snarled and I backed up, barring my teeth. His coat was orange, with slightly tinted with white and red.

What are you doing here? The voice echoed through my head.

Ah, crap. That was a familiar voice.

A voice owned by the one and only... Rix.

I didn't answer, afraid he would recognize my voice.

Instead, I folded my tail between my legs and backed away, a sheer sign of defeat, coming close to the clearing.

Suddenly, a tan wolf erupted from the thinning of trees beside me, nails slicing into my front left leg. I whimpered and backed away more, now entering my backyard.

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