Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

“DAD, I'M GOING TO the bookstore!” I shouted down the stairs.

“Okay!” he replied, as I stuffed twenty bucks in my back pocket. “Rye, where's Macy?”

I headed down the stairs, stopping at the front door. “She passed out on my bed a couple minutes ago. You know how she likes to sleep,”

He shot me a muffled “Okay,” telling me he was getting further away. Whisteling, I opened the door and stepped out into the night. This time I came prepared; pepper-spray.

It didn't take me long to walk to the store. I would have taken the car but Mason took it to go hang with Chris. They said they went bowling, but I really think they went to some strip club downtown.

I opened the door and a ding! sounded from the top of it. I cocked my head at the sign plastered by the register. HELP WANTED.

I smiled to myself. Today was my lucky day. I strolled over to the Young Adult's section and picked up the book 'Last Sacrifice' by Richelle Mead. After that, I sauntered over to the computers. I figured I might as well look it up here instead of at my house. It was much more peaceful here, unlike at my house.

Opening Google, I typed in:

Possessing by Demons

Many sites popped up, but one caught my attention. Clinking on the link, I drummed my fingers on the hardcover book as I waited for it to load.

Many people have claimed to have seen a person been possessed by the demon from the 1700's. Witnesses say that their eyes go pitch black; almost as if no soul is vacant. One women of age 30 had her husband supposedly possessed, forcing her into sex. She didn't go along with it, so he tied her up and stuck her in the basement until she was ready to give. No water or food provided. He watched her for a couple of hours, that is until she claimed to see him perk up. His eyes drained of blackness and he looked around as if he wondered what he was doing there. The man then untied his wife, who claimed that he did this to her, but he did not remember any of it.

I looked at the page blankly for a couple minutes, reeling my thoughts together. That's exactly what Zack had done. Not the sex part, but the eyes-draining-of-blackness part. But he was pretty interested in my stomach area.

Shaking my head, I closed the internet and headed toward the register.

Placing the book down, I asked, “Is there any way I could apply for a job here?”

The lady behind the counter perked up and smiled at me. “Yes, we just so happened to be hiring today,”

I nodded and smiled weakly, taking the twenty from my back pocket and placing it onto the counter. “Where can I apply?”

The lady—whose name-tag read 'AMY', and under it, it stated 'MANAGER'—scanned my book and took the bill from the counter.

“Ah, no need to apply. I've seen you around here many times. You start Monday,”

A grin spread on my face. “Really?”

She nodded and smiled, handing me my change. “Well, thanks. I'm Ryder by the way. I guess I'll be seeing you around,”

With that, I turned and left the bookstore with a smile on my face. There would be no better place to work then that store.

I skipped home, not running into anyone, thankfully. But when I came home, I noticed one more car in the driveway. Confused, I opened the front door and walked in, slipping off my converse. I made my way to the kitchen, were the chattering was coming from, book in hand.

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