Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Sweet baby Jesus. Macy's being possessed!

Should I play dumb? Or tie her up and demand answers?


“Macy? What's wrong?” I ask. I guess I chose playing dumb...

She giggled. She freaking giggled. Macy laughs, she squeals, but Macy doesn't giggle.

“Nothing. Just couldn't sleep—” Huh. Didn't seem that way five minutes ago. “so I just relaxed and waited for you to come back.”

I nodded. Huh. Playing dumb came naturally to me, I guess.

But what she said next surprised me. “You know you can tell me anything, right? I mean, I am your best friend, Ryder.”

I shot her a fake reassuring smile. “Of course I can, Macy,” I said.

She grinned broadly. “Good!” she laughed. “Then where were you right before?”

I blinked at her. Well, not her. The demon. Curse him...

“Oh, there. Well, you know, just had a stomachache from all that friggen cake today,” I lied smoothly. “Just needed some air.”

She giggled. Again. God! This was getting creepy! “Of course. I have one more question I've been dying to ask though.” Huh. I bet you have been.

“Yeah?” I asked, getting under the covers. A plan was slowly coming together in my head. There was no way I was sleeping with a demon and there was also no way he was going to know I know it's possessing her.

She squirmed a little, faking nervousness. “Why don't you like Bridget Mission?”

I stiffened. Wait... what? Why was she asking about Bridget... And I'm pretty sure I never told Macy her last name...

I shrugged nonchalantly, leaning back on the pillows. “Never said I didn't,” I lied.

“Hey, May? Could you hand me that rope in my drawer on your right?”

Baffled, she nodded and dug through my nightstand drawer. She pulled out a long, thick rope. Now, you must be asking, 'Why does she have a rope in there?'

Well, basically just safety precautions. Ever since that little raid on the kitchen and the attack in the alley I was loaded with weapons. Well, rope and pepper spray, that is. I took the rope from her delicate hands (well, now they're not so delicate, more like deadly) and patted the area next to me. Macy strolled over and plopped down, and I began typing her to the bed post.

“Wha—What are you doing?” she asked.

I pretend to look at her like she was crazy. I didn't have to act that much though, all this was wickedly weird.

“You sleep-walk all the time,” I reminded her. It was half true though. She talks in her sleep and sometimes walks. “You always have me tie you up at night so you don't go and hug Mason like you did last time,”

I faked a laugh just to persuade her more. Once the knots were done, I leaned back onto my pillow and closed my eyes, drifting off into sleep.

Haha. Yeah, right. Sleeping while there's a demon in my best friend. Like that's happening. I willed my breath to slow, making myself look as peaceful as possible. Surprisingly, Macy looked the same. I opened my mind and saw her aura was white. It felt weird to see auras again, I closed them off when I went to the school. It gave me a headache, all those floating colors...

Anyway, white meant asleep. I slowly bent over her and lifted one eyelid up. It was weird... It looked like she was looking at me but she sure as hell wasn't.

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