Chaper Four

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Chapter Four

I WAS AWAKENED BY Ke$ha at 5:30 A.M.

Groaning, I slapped my alarm clock and stumbled out of my bed.

Nothing else interesting happened last night. The football game was fun, I guess. Jace drove me home afterword. We didn't say anything about that special moment of ours in front of Bridget. I'm pretty sure Jace doesn't like me like that, right? But of course, I had to fall for him. That kiss was amazing...

Letting a sigh slipped through my lips, I made my way to the bathroom, snatching my brush and combing out my tangled brown hair. I was startled when I caught a glimpse of my eyes. They were so pretty... Shame I had to hide them. The color surrounding the black dilated pupil was a stunning yellow-green. My eyes were originally green, hence the green contacts, but I liked my new color better. Huh. At least secretly being a werewolf had it's perks.

Since it was only 5:30, Mason wasn't up yet. My dad left for work today at 4 since he got a new job at some new restaurant in Schaumburg. Sliding on a thin jacket, I climbed out onto my balcony and the scent of iron hit me. Wolf blood? No... It was saltier.. Human blood? I guess so.

Quickly, I jumped from the balcony, shifting into wolf form in mid-air. My nose led me through the forest to find the source of the scent.

I didnt expect to see what I did see.

What the source was, was a boy. A little boy. About twelve or thirteen. He was laying on the ground, hands wrapped around knees and there was a big gash on his head, right below his hairline. His light hair was the shade of my natural blond color, but his had single streaks of brown. He was dressed in a t-shirt and ripped jeans.

I ran behind the nearest tree, shifting into human form.

I sprinted back toward the boy, taking off my jacket and placing it on his head, the main source of the bleeding.

Immediately his eyes sprung open and I almost jumped out of my skin.

“Crap! You freakin' scared me!” I hissed.

“Just relax and don't move, I'll take care of you and that nasty cut,”

I hoisted him up into my arms, thanking the wolf part of me for my amazing strength.

He hissed in pain and I grimaced. “I'm sorry!” I said as I started trotting through the woods.

Keep him talking, distract him from the pain. Keep him conscious. A voice said in my head.

“What's your name?” I questioned him in a hushed tone.

“Cody.” he said, in between breaths.

I smiled. “Cody.. Huh. That was my dog's name back in Chicago. I'm Ryder by the way,”

The sides of his lips raised a little bit. “Can you do me a favor?” He asked me, as I ducked under a jagged branch. We were almost to the house now.

“Sure, what is it?” I replied.

“See if I have a necklace on,”

I peered at his neck just as we passed through the thinning trees. There, on a thin rope tied around his neck, was a stone. It was circular, and had a small triangle cut through the middle of it. Ancient Ruins were scribbled on the sides of it.

We were just below my balcony when I replied, “Yes, you have a necklace on.”

He tried to nod but ended up grimacing as the pain returned.

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