Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

“How much longer?” I whined, looking at Macy. She had dyed some strands of hair for me. But that's not why I'm worried. Why I'm worried is because she wont tell me what color she dyed them! There were eight foils—four on each side. They were peek-a-boo highlights, meaning that they peeked out from behind my hair.

Sighing, I looked at my clock. 5:30. The party started at 7, so we still have time for hair and makeup.

Macy squealed loudly. “They're done!”

Macy had re-dyed her hair a bright red. And it looks gorgeous on her, as always. She used to be a strawberry blond, but it wasn't 'out-there' enough for her. So, she dyed it cherry red.

She began to unfold the foils, letting out a giggle or a squeal after 'they all came out perfectly'. I held my breath as she handed me the mirror. I almost fainted when I saw what colors she did for highlights.

Blue and white. My favorite colors! Plus, with the blue and white contrasting my brown hair, look breath-taking.

“Macy-I-love-you!” I yelled, engulfing her in a giant hug.

I got back a muffled, “I know,”

She then straightened my hair until it was pin straight, highlights absorbing a lot of the attention.

Not willing to argue, I let Macy torture me with her liquid liner, eyeshadow, blush, lip-gloss, and plenty of mascara.

Once she was done with giving me my make-over, I looked in the mirror. The girl who looked back at me was...well, different. I looked just like my mom. My eyes started to burn with tears but I quickly blinked them away. Macy would kill me if I ruined the makeup she spent fifteen minutes on.

Next stop—clothes.

I slipped into my red dress that I bought with Jace, along with my black heels. They're torture tools made by some blond-bimbos.

By the time we were both ready, it was time to go. We rushed down stairs, mumbling good-byes to my dad, Chris, and Mason. We were out the door just as Hades pulled up. We quickly got in his car, not wanting either my dad or Mason to come out.

Once we were in, I turned to Hades. He still had on that dark expression, but he was definitely checking Macy out. As usual, Macy was aware that she was gorgeous. All the guys in Chicago would fall for her, and she loved it. Now don't get me wrong, she's not a self-centered freak, she's just aware of her looks.

“Macy, this is Hades. Hades, this is Macy,” I said, right as Hades pulled out of the driveway and turned to go down the street.

“Hades? Like the God of Hell?” Macy asked. Huh. I said that same thing. I guess great minds think a like...

“Yup,” he answered simply. He was dressed in a dark t-shirt along with black jeans. He could easily pull the look off though. He wore a faded Yankee's baseball cap.

“Well, nice to meet you,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him.

I scoffed at her flirty behavior. Typical Macy. We weren't even at the party yet and she was already picking up guys.

“What you got there?” asked Hades, nodding his head toward the fedora in my hand.

I shrugged, placing it on my lap. “Nothing. Just a present,”

“For little Jacey?” he teased.

Why does everyone call him Jacey? It's odd...

I snorted. “Eyes on the road, Hell God.”

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