Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

“Jace! Where's my necklace?” I asked frantically, gesturing to my bare neck.

“Chill,” he chuckled, sliding the key necklace out from his jean pocket and clasping it onto my neck. “I took it off you last night just in case.”

“Oh,” I replied, fingering the cold, smooth surface of the top, and then trailed my fingers down the the bumpy parts, which contained the gorgeous red rubies that always caught the light, making them glow.

I let the necklace drop, and it landed softly on Jace's red and white football jersey which flowed down to about mid-thigh. I also threw on the acid-washed jeans from yesterday, along with my sneakers.

We were due to be at school in a half hour, so I just let my hair hand down in the usual form, just a little more bouncy and wavy due to the fact of not having any hair products or a straightener. My face was also bare, which I was fine with.

I opened my mouth to ask when we were leaving when the door burst open and Rix, Cameron, and Luke strolled in.

“Oh yeah man!” laughed Cameron, his blond curls bouncing up and down as he shook his head. “She was all over me!”

“Well was she at least goo—” Rix started, but stopped when he saw me.

His gaping mouth morphed into a smirk as he swaggered up to me and slung a heavy arm lazily on my shoulders. “Well hello there Streaks, what are you doing here this fine morning?”

I shrugged nonchalantly, “Oh, nothing,” I said, just as Jace walked in from the kitchen, his face stuffed with toast.

“Out of all the people in the school, she picks him.” Rix scoffed, shaking his head.

Luke and Cameron both agree, shaking there heads muttering, 'She could do much better...'

“Like who?” I questioned. “You?”

He flicked the collar of his shirt up dramatically. “Of course.”

I chuckled while Jace growled and pulled me into an embrace. “Stop flirting with my mate,”

The boys whistled and chuckled while Rix said, “Cool it man, I was only teasing.”

I couldn't see; my head was pressed against Jace's sturdy chest, but I knew Jace was giving them the best glare possible, causing them to hold theirs hands up in surrender and back up.

I clicked my tongue and pulled out of the embrace, patting his shoulder. “It's alright, Jacey.”

His eyes softened, returning to the normal color. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

I smirked and patted his cheek, making him flush and pull away.

“Alright,” said Luke, breaking the tension in the air. “Let's hit the road.”

“Hello Ryder!” Amy greeted me from her place in front of the register of the book store.

“Hey Amy,” I replied, grinning. She said that I could take over with her place as she had to go work on her novel, she also informed me that there was another girl working tonight, a lady in her sixties named Beth.

I was in the middle of doodling tiny balls of light like my art project that I made last week when the bell dung and a familiar cherry-colored head bobbed up and down as she walked.

“Hey Macy!” I greeted smiling, the drawing forgotten.

Her head snapped up, eyes curious. “Oh hey Ryder! I thought I'd find you here.”

I just nodded and began to write my name in different ways.

“So is this were that Danny works?”

I nodded. “Yup. Hades too.”

“Sweet! I wonder where they—” she stopped in mid-sentence, but I was too busy trying to perfect my name in bubbly letters to notice.

The bell dung, but I didn't feel the need to look up just yet.

Suddenly, a shadow stopped in front of the cash register, blocking my light. I looked up, suddenly curious why they were coming up to the register when they just walked in.

My back then tensed up as I inhaled. The scent was familiar, yet new. My head snapped up, meeting the persons gaze.

“How may I help you?” I questioned, still skeptical.

The man shrugged. “There are many ways you could help me, Ryanne.”

The way my name rolled off his tongue made my eyes narrow and my fist clench.

“How do you know my name?”

“I know many things about you,” he stated vaguely. “Now you can come with me and we could do this the easy way,” he paused, cracking his knuckles in a way made to intimidate me. “Or the hard way.”

I shrugged, not showing any emotion on my face. “I've always like a challenge.”

He smirked and without warning, reached over and grabbed me by the hem of my shirt, pulling me over the counter and onto the floor.

I risked a quick glance at Macy as he pulled me up by my collar. Her face was frozen, blank. Okay, I thought. There is something really messed up happening here.

The way he held me only sparked my temper, causing me to shove him off me forcefully.

He flew back into the bookshelf which was right behind him, making him 'oomph', but he still stayed on his feet.

I just barley dodged him as he lunged quickly at me. His shoulder barley brushed mine, causing me to loose my balance a little bit.

He recovered quicker then I did, which gave him an advantage. With a swift kick to my gut, I stumbled back, tripping over a chair and falling on the(thankfully) carpeted floor.

I groaned and got up, not giving up this easily.

The smirk was back on his handsome face as he walked up to me. I imitated his expression as I swept his feet out from under him.

He, being the weird, kick-ass dude he is, dodged it and punched me in the face. My lip cracked, causing blood to trickle down my chin. I licked most of it away with my tongue, ignoring the metallic taste. With one swift movement, I picked up the chair from behind me and threw it at him.

He wasn't expecting it, causing it to hit him in the gut.

And then, as fast as it started, it stopped.

The chair he held to him dropped to the floor as it was now supported by nothing.

The man had disappeared.

I gaped at the spot, as if my mind was playing tricks on me.

“Well,” a familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around swiftly, not caring about how dizzy it made me. “Looks like Ryder got her self in some demon trouble.”

“Definitely,” another familiar voice stated.

I looked into the familiar blue and black eyes. They were glowing, as in, unnaturally glowing.

“I guess we have some explaining to do,” said Danny in his usual accent.

“Well,” Hades started, smirking. “Why don't you take a seat, then?”

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