Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

“Oh, my,” Macy gasped from somewhere to my right. I glanced at her and noticed her face was as pale as a ghost.

Then, as if proving she belonged in a mental hospital, she starting cracking up. Like, full on the ground laughing.

Now, I would admit, this was a total 'WTF' moment, definitely.

But come on.. if you just found out that your best friend was a werewolf and her co-workers were demon hunters, you'd totally start laughing, right?


Well, I sure as hell wouldn't.

Only to make matters worse, the bell on top of the door chimed, a blast of humid air rushing in behind the person who entered.

“What the..?” murmured Jace from the entrance of the store. He took everything from the fallen chairs and books, to Macy on the ground, her face flushed from laughing.

“Well, damn...Ryder, if I knew work would be this interesting I would have came with you every...” he trailed off suddenly, his back tensing.

“Demon?” he asked, looking around before his hard gaze settled on Hades and Danny, who were attempting to collect any type of DNA samples from the 'crime scene'.

“Uh...” I stuttered, trying to think of a way to explain this.

Thankfully, Hades saved me by explaining everything to Jace; while he picked up a strand of hair from tweezers which he must of gotten from his back pocket or something...

Once he fully understood the circumstances, Jace gently picked Macy up from the floor and placed her on her feet. He then turned to me, his face full of worry.

“You young ladies are coming with me,” he exclaimed, grabbing me and Macy's hands and lead us to the door.

“At least let me explain!” I pleaded before I was escorted out the metal door, covered in signs and that kind of cool chalk-graffiti thing stores use to promote sales.

He just said, “Nope,” then the door slammed shut and we were placed in Jace's fancy Porsche—the leather interior was super cozy, by the way.

“Are..Are you a werewolf too, Jace?” Macy asked wearily once we were backing out of the parking space.

“No,” I exclaimed sarcastically. “He's a vampire.”

Jace shot me a brief but dominant look that said, 'really? Now's the time for your sarcasm?'.

Macy's petite hand automatically went up to her neck, covering it. “What?”

“I'm just kidding,” I said, chuckling nervously while scratching the back of my neck.

“You, Ryder,” Jace started before turning down the street to the intersection. “Are going to be explaining a lot of things once we get to my house.”

He then asked for Macy's address, which I gave to him.

All through the (tormenting) ride, Macy kept shooting questions at us.

“Do you guys change at the full moon?”

Which we both answered with, “No,”

“Do you have claws?”

“Not permanently,” answered Jace.

“Do you guys have mates?”

Jace and I shot each other curious looks. “Yes,”

“Will you have pups for kids?!” she gasped.

“No!” we yelled before she could get any other ideas.

She blew out a dramatic sigh making her red fringe in front of her face flow up.

“No fair,” she grumbled.

“What, you want us to have a pup for a kid?” I questioned, my brows raised.

“Well, yeah! That'd be so cute..!” and on and on she rambled about how she'd love to have a girl one so she can do their hair.

I worry about her, sometimes.


Okay, fine. All the time.

We finally reached her house in which she glumly got out; but not before making me pinky promise to call her after.

I snorted in which she happily took as a yes, then skipped into her mansion-sized house.

And, we were on our way to Jace's house.

“Why are you taking me to your house?” I voiced once we were down his street.

He shrugged, “Dad's been asking for you to come over. He say's it's important.” then, after a brief pause, “And I need to get the scoop on this demon thing,”

I grumbled an agreement before trudging out of the car and into Jace's well-kept house.

Once the door was open Randy's form is automatically visible in the small kitchen.

“Hiya Randy!” I chirped and I plopped down on the coach, Jace doing the same—except he ended up sitting on the remote.

He didn't seemed startled to see us here; he seemed like he sensed our presence—which he probably did, too.

He was wiping his callused hands on a dishtowel when he came in.

“Ah, just the person I'd wanted to talk to.” he took a seat on 'his' recliner. His back seemed stiff and tense.

“What's the matter Dad?” Jace questioned, turning away from the football game on T.V.

Randy was stressed; his appearance gave everything away. The purple colored flesh collecting under his eyes was a dead give away he wasn't getting much sleep. Plus, the way his eyebrows were slightly furrowed doesn't deny my speculation, either.

“Well, remember when I called the Morgan's the last time you were here?” he asked, his gaze never leaving the space just above my left shoulder.

“Uh, yeah?” I answered verbally, seeing as Jace just nodded.

“There's a slight... difficulty in this 'mating' and 'Female Alpha' situation...”

His left eye twitched slightly, a dead give away it wasn't just a 'slight difficulty' in this situation. My left leg was bouncing up and down, the soles of the sneakers hitting the beige carpeting in soft 'thuds', anxious for the news.

“You see, the Bets think signed a contract, just before Jace was born,” he explained. “The contract stated that Jace would be the next Alpha, he must lead the pack well, etcetera. Well... It turns out there was already a assigned mate to Jace, seeing as he was the next Alpha and all—”

Assigned mate?” Jace puffed. “What exactly do you mean?”

“Well,” Randy cleared his throat. “They decided that the next impregnated royal werewolf female would be you're assigned mate and well, a month after you were born Lisa Larkin was going to have a daughter, Maria Larkin—”

“And?” he asked impatiently.

He shot Jace an impatient look before continuing. “Maria Larkin is now sixteen, meaning legal age for the Bets, and well... She is you're, er, legal spouse.”



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Sorry guys, but I just get this feeling that im writing for no one :\ Makes me feel like I don't do a good job. D:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2011 ⏰

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