Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

“Do you have to go?” I whined as I handed Macy her suitcase that she brought for the three day stay at my house.

“Rye, I'm not dying or anything,” she scoffed. “I'm just moving into my house, which is like down the street.”

“I know,” I complained. “But it was so much easier bugging you when your here!”

We both giggled at remark and hugged. “You know what, we gotta go see the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows part two soon, Ryder.”

“I know!” I squealed, finally letting her go. “Well, good luck on your first day at Brooke Hills tomorrow.”

She frowned. “I guess it can't be that bad. I mean, considering how hot your boyfriend is, there's gotta be more like him, right?”

“Sure, May...” I laughed as she trudged out the door. “But it's not the boys that are the problem. It's the bitches.”

We laughed and hugged one last time. We're both very sentimental girls! “See you tomorrow!”

With that, she wobbled to the her Dad's jeep, her giant suitcase weighing her down on one side. I smiled to myself as I closed the front door.

Looking at the clock in the kitchen, I noticed it was already seven. I skipped out into the backyard, my black converse scoffing the pavement of the patio.

I had talked to Cody last night about what we're gonna do with him. We figured it'd be best if he'd stay there for a while until he gets some money. We're still not sure if we're going to expose him to anyone yet, but I managed to talk him into meeting Macy some day.

I walked into his little house and yelped. Cody was getting dressed... well, at least he had pants on. But seriously, the fourteen year old was getting a six pack!

“Okay, okay, you can stop drooling now,” he teased.

“Please,” I scoffed.

“So when's that Macy fella coming?”

I shrugged. “Depends. Probably tomorrow if she isn't busy.”

There was a meowing in the corner of his loft. The sassy cat stepped out from under the shadows and hissed at me while doing those 'Halloween Cat' things.

I frowned and turned to Cody. “That thing really doesn't like me.”

He placed a hand over his heart and mocked hurt. “Jasmine is not a thing! She is a cat!”

I snorted. “Please. Where did you get it any way?”

He shrugged. “In an alley while I was walking one day.”

He scooped the cat up quickly considering it was getting ready to claw my eyes out. Cats and werewolves really don't mix...

“Well, I better get going before it kills me,” I handed him a twenty for food. He grinned at me and accepted it. There's this really good supermarket down the street that has the best bakery in L.A.

“This is all I have for now,” I said. “I start my job tomorrow at the bookstore down the street.”

He nodded and began pampering the thing he calls a cat.

We said our good-byes and I made my way home.

“Damn girl,” someone muttered.

Another one wolf-whistled at me while I walked down the hallway.

“Damn, sexy Smith!”

“Man, whose the hottie red-head?”

I scoffed at every one of the comments thrown at me, telling myself it was a normal thing for guys in L.A.

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