Chapter 64

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SO SORRY! I know I suck at uploading chapters now....and I really am sorry for you having to wait...:/


Writing this chapter was....a struggle. I'm not gunna lie, it took me BLOODY AGES to finish this. Probably even weeks. As I just didn't know what to write and had no motivation to do so, along with having other things on my mind.

I love that many of you guys love this story, always commenting tat you want and that is brilliant! I want to write for those of you, I really do...but, to be honest..I'm starting to go off this story, I don't know where It's going and have no idea on what more to add as it just doesn't go :/

But I DON'T want to stop this story, I WILL keep posting as many of you say you love this, so I will...BUT the uploads will be slow...I'm sorry but I just can't think of what to do. I need the inspiration to write this to come back :/ I don't know....something.

But yeah....pleeaseee keep reading and waiting, being patient fo uploads on this story, and if I can't think of more...I may have to just start ending the story offff...

BUT..keep your eyes open...I might be working on something else as well ;) sorry for making you wait! But yeah....that's my reasons ^^.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry if it's not.....erm..that goood.

Thank you! :)



My palms are clammy as they rest in my lap, clasping together and then unclasping nervously as I don't know what to do with them.

I swallow, my throat becoming dry and I wish I didn't drink all the water from that bottle, I could really do with it right now.

The atmosphere in this car is filled with tension and un released words. It's suffocating me, ever since the second we got into this car, the wave of anger and disappointment radiating off from the one person in this car.

I'm too scared to utter a word.

Swallowing harshly again, I bite my lip, feeling eyes every so often penetrating me with a harsh glare that I do not want to meet.

Noah, sat beside me behind the drivers side seems to look completely calm. Which only irritates me, how can he be calm?! This is all his fault!

But he may look calm, but with his slight twitchy movements as those angry eyes sweep over a glance to him, I can tell he's trying to put up that calm front, and is actually feeling anxious underneath.

Clenching my jaw to try calm myself from being all fidgety, and try and stop my brain from raking through possible scenarios of what could happen next and the words that will be spoken....

It's been silent, utter silence since we climbed into the car, the last words I spoke was over the phone.

They are mad at me, I know it. If Chris's attitude is to go by, then there's no doubt that the others are just as bad.

Chris came to pick us up. After hesitantly phoning Seth, as I didn't actually want to as I'm suppose to be mad at them all for what they did, so I didn't want to talk to them, but we had no other option of getting home. And now it looks like the tables have turned, I'm the one in the wrong, which yes, I know I am...but that doesn't mean I've forgiven the others for what happened.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ