Chapter 53

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New Chapter!


;) hopefully you’re appreciate this, uploading quicker... ;P...but don’t get too used to it, I’m only doing this because I wanted to :)....but hopefully the uploads will actually be quicker now, as in not waiting a long boring week or more for one :D

GAaahhhh hope you enjoy this chapter! Im not in the greatest moods today :/ so hope this is all okay for you! :D

Just letting you know....that in this chapter, it mentions a carnival. :) and well that’s only because there is something like this going on where I live :) so it kinda gave me a good idea :D...but anyway....hopefully a carnival in America is how I think it is...because here they could be something different to what I think :)....soo yeaa...if It’s not right...then please let me know! :) Thank you!!

Bit shorrrtt I think :/ sorrry!...but things are about to happen! ;) :D


Anyywayy... ENJOY!!







Thankfully, I’m already seated in my seat in maths class by the times Noah himself walks in through the door, with his ‘followers’ I like to say as they are the group of friends that he hangs round with, and this is a good thing because with me already seated, I can easily avoid eye contact....

And with Seth and Abby here, it’s easily done as Abby’s chatting away already, my attention already on her....

“Sooo you free this weekend then?” She asks grinning

I raise a eyebrow confused, lost at what she’s saying “Huh?”

Rolling her eyes, a faint smirk playing at her lips as she realises I wasn’t paying attention, her eyes slightly casting over to the back of the class...then back to me...

“The carnival? town. It’s this week end, that happens every year, and apparently this year’s gunna be the best!” She grins eyes sparkling in excitement...

I tilt my head to the side smiling lightly at her at how she gets excited easily.....hmm....a carnival...?

I remember only ever going when I was little, not much of a memory though, just bright lights, people screaming on rides and people dressed up as things.......or possibly that was the circus...

“Yeah...” Seth suddenly interrupts “We’re free...” He smiles glancing to me “I think we’ll give it a go....”

I raise both eyebrows at him, huh? Really now? We will, will we?.

Scoffing at him, rolling my eyes I turn back to Abby, and shrug “Yeah.... maybe..” I give her a small smile, ignoring Seth’s eyes on me. We haven’t talked much....not like we normally do, I know he’s trying to keep it as it was before, but it feel different!...I don’t like it....not since he’s started dating......her....

Internally cringing, I straighten up in my seat at the sound of the teacher entering the class, straight away silencing us and starting the lesson....

Well let’s just hope this lesson goes well.....

“Lexi?” I frown trying to ignore the quiet whisper of my twin sat beside me, as he tries to get my attention, but I force my concentration on the work task set, staring blankly at the equations in front of me....

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now