Chapter 33

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  • Dedicated to All my fans and readers! :) <3

New Chapter! :)

WOW....I’ve reached 100 fans! Thank you soo, soo, soo much! For fanning :D I love you!...and for reading this as the  reads have kept going up every time I look!  :) :D Thank youuuu! <33

This chapters a bit plain and short...but oh well! ...stuffs gunna come! :P :)

Picc on side is of Lexi’s clothes :) ----->

 DEDICATED to all my fans/readers :) cus I love ya! and wanted to thank you for all the votes/comments/reads! :) <33




“Wake up you lazy shitttsss!” Something soft lands on my face hard thou, even if it’s still hurt...

I groan coming out as a near growl as I shove the pillow of my face opening my eyes to see a shirtless smirking Evan standing a few meters away from me, the culprit for throwing that pillow...

“Yo! and lover boy over there need to get up!” Evan smirks picking up some pillows around his feet but then turns his gaze to beside me and it turns serious “You better have not tried anything with my baby sis....” He

My eyes widen “What?!” I choke out scrambling up from the covers and pushing them off me and to see a sleepy looking Noah on the other side of the couch I was just on...

I turn back to Evan still with slightly wide eyes as I come to the realisation of where I slept last night...

Damn!..I must have been too tired to think!

Evan raises an suggestive eyebrow at me, eyes flicking between me and the half asleep boy laid on the sofa...

“What?!” I speak shocked at his unspoken words “No way! Don’t be sick! I just feel asleep!” I glare at my brother and his disgusting thoughts...

Evan cracks a smirk holding one hand up defensively “Hey...don’t mind me....I don’t really care what you get up to...cus hell! I’m like go sis!...but it’s Chris and Blake you should really look out for” He chuckles wiggling his eyebrows at me...

I growl at him picking up a stray pillow and chuck it across the room at him “Disgusting pig....” I grumble as I trap a blanket around my shoulders and stalk out the living room....but not before hearing another loud unmistakable laugh joining Evan’s....

Grumbling under my breath...I purposely stomp up the stairs to get the message across they’ve annoyed me......

After getting washed and doing what you would usually do in the morning, I get changed into literally the first thing I find.....and leave my bedroom wearing what is basically my signature look.

Which is a pair of my usual skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with a print of a lion on, my hair down and left in its natural small ringlets past my shoulders and little eyeliner....yes I know it’s shocking.   (A/N: outfit over there J à)

And don’t judge......I’ve been basically wearing these things all my life...with having 6 older brothers to have clothes passed down from....and a mom who likes to save don’t tend to get new and sparkly clothing.....I made do with what I had....

But’s not like I care....I like’s comfy and is me...

Walking down the stairs and through the corridors...I swear I pass by a boy every 30 seconds!......and it seems there are way more people in this house than the usual 14......

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now