Chapter 22

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New chapter!

And it's up earlier :)

Sorry that's it's shorter (I think)....and again not much happens....but the next few chapters will be at the whatever happens will be in them :)

Oooh...check out the two front covers I've designed ------------->

Which one do you like best?????

ENJOY!! :)







I gasp, feeling the coldness of the water against my warm skin as my face is of a state of shock no doubt and I’m practically sat in the water......

I stand up, hearing the laughter of pretty much all my older brothers and I turn a murderous glare onto Chris.....but secretly laughing as it was pretty funny....

I can already feel my shorts sticking to my skin as they are soaked through and the bottom of my shirt too.....but not the rest of me....not just yet anyway.....

“Oh my...I-I’m sorry Lexi” Chris holds his hands up defensively trying to hold back his chuckles but failing.....badly.

I glare at him even more “You’re so dead” I state in a low voice before lunging at him...

I jump at him, my arm clinging around his neck and only because I caught him off guard I’m able to get him into a headlock, otherwise he would get to me first....

“AHH! Shiitt Lexi!” Chris yelps out at my sudden action...but then continues to laugh....

I resist the erge to roll my eyes and thinking nothing left to do, so I kick the shin. Pff yeah not such a good place where it would hurt much, but it’s the only place I could reach....

He grunts from the contact and I smirk before shoving him away from me, only a few inches as he’s taller....and stronger....

He shoots me dirty look but with amusement swimming in his eyes, I give him an innocent one, smirking.

I glance back up at the beach....a small disgusted and annoyed frown coming to my face as I see that fudging fake bi*ch throwing a beach ball back and forth with Joe and Jack......I they will want to do that for long...they’ve got the attention span of a flippin goldfish!

I shake my head, stupid Dean’s for coming to the beach just as we are here.....

I shriek suddenly as a wall of cold water slaps me across the face, soaking what’s left of my dry top...and partly my hair....

“Haha.....You sure do day-dream alot Lex!” Evan laughs smirking at me and I give him a cold glare as he’s the one who obviously just soaked me......hmmm but then again, who doesn’t go to the beach and not get wet?....

I-being the child I am- splash a wave of water back at him, only missing his head by an inch and he laughs mostly dodging it, smirking across to me as he’s already drenched in sea water....

“Here....let’s make this easier and get her wet already” I hear Blake’s voice...and then within in seconds I’m lifted into the air and tossed over a shoulder causing me to scream in surprise before falling right under the water....

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now