Chapter 74

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I've actually uploaded within a decent time! YAY!

Aha..I need to keep that up!

Well...yeah, anyway...thank you to those who told me about the American school yearrss :) it helped a lot...and I've come to realise that I think then it might be a little incorrect in the story...BUT however..for the sake of the story I'm  just going to have it with the school being combined, all grades together on the same'll make things easier :) thank you to those people for explaining though :)

Ah....hope you enjoy this chapter!




“Enjoy yourself tonight everyone, have fun but also please stay safe” The voice of our principle speaks as she stands up at the front of the large hall on the stage, her voice echoing around through the speakers hanging on the auditorium, , “It's being done a bit differently this year as you all know, those of you in seventh, eighth and ninth grade will be here tonight in the hall from six to nine in the evening and those in tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade you are from nine to midnight” She tells us and a hush of whispers spreads through the auditorium, “so there's going to be a lot of you around the grounds tonight, so please will you all be responsible and take care of yourselves, and that hall and the toilets closes will be all that's open to you tonight and please leave with a friend when you go, especially the later we get into the night..” She spills on will all the safety and information, that has already been told to us...but I guess she feels the need to tell us again.

“There will be members of staff present all night so if there's any problems, please find one of us..” I smirk to myself a little as I hear a few groans come from people sat around me.

“Okay...well, that's all! You all know everything I'm sure anyway, and I will stop now to let you all go home...” A few quiet cheers are heard and the principle smiles “ You all enjoy tonight! You all deserve it and I look forward to see you all here later! Have good long weekends everybody, I will see you here for your last days next week”

Applause is heard throughout the auditorium, which is filled with the entire school. Which means we are all squeezed in together as all grades from seventh to twelfth are in here, filling up each and every single seat, and even a few cheers are heard from down the back from the elder students as they seem to be happy that they will be leaving now.

Chatter is immediately spread through the hall as everyone gets to their feet, including myself and I turn to meet the excited faces of Charlie and Abby.

“It's tonight, it's tonight! Lexi It's tonight!” Charlie chants, grinning from ear to ear as she tugs at my arm as we slowly shuffle our way out from the rows of seats.

I know Charlie...I know..” I chuckle softly as she practically bounces behind me, still clutching my hand as we get stop moving...seeing the hundreds of students trying to file out at the same time...yeah, we're going to be here a while

“Oh I'm beyond excited guys! This is going to be such an amazing night!”

I smile at Charlie as she starts gushing with Abby, who's slightly leaning back against Nathan who's standing behind her, which only makes me smile even more at the couple, who may not be completely 'official' yet, but I have a feeling tonight will change that.

We've all decided to actually arrive together tonight. Charlie, Abby and Nathan have all decided to arrive together, Nathan, the lucky thing getting two dates, and the reason Charlie suggested this was that she didn't want to arrive alone, and said she'll find a single lad once in the hall and leave Abby and Nathan, but only told that part to me, claiming that those two will be together by the end of the night, which I definitely agree with, and think that Abby is secretly happy that she doesn't have to go through the awkwardness of asking Nathan, which makes me chuckle to myself as the pair of them are so sweet.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα