Chapter 70

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It's up! it's up! Gosshh...I'm so bad at uploading! :( I'm so sorry!

My goal is to FINISH this book BEFORE Christmas! I'm going to push myself too because I really really need to get this out the way!

Sorry for any mistakes! kinda rushed to finish this, I will go back over and edit when I have the time! :)

Ooh...I have a lovely new front cover! and that's thanks to shyswaggg! :D who I thanks very very much! :D

Song on side isn't really relevant...I just love it! :) <3


Hope you enjoy! :)





I'm a nervous wreck by the time I get home. Having been a little freaked out throughout the day by Charlie's words as she seemed more excited about finding out that Noah's taking me out tonight than I am. But she has also somehow got into my mind all these things that have me freaking out, telling me all these things that I never even thought of!

So Charlie is now the reason why I'm standing in front of my opened closet, staring at all the clothes hanging in here...and trying to decide what on earth I should wear, just like I have been for almost the past hour!

I know, I know...I don't usually spend ages choosing what clothes I should wear and right now...I feel stupid for even doing this. I don't spend ages choosing what to wear! That's not me!

And it's driving me insane!

I blame Charlie. This is all her doing.

I tug my hair frustrated, I give up. I really do. Letting out a sigh I groan and reach forward to grab my usual clothes.

No, no I do not care if this is not 'enough' or doesn't 'stand out' as Charlie says, claiming earlier that I should wear something different, something that will stand out to get Noah's attention...her words. Not mine. But no. That is what has got me all frustrated, deciding on damn stupid clothes. So no.

This is what I will wear.

Charlie can stuff it.

Smirking to myself as I can just imagine Charlie's disapproving look if she saw the clothes I'm going to wear. I tug on some black skin tight jeans before grabbing a white thin shirt that cuts away under my arms showing the black fabric of my bra.

I smile, finally happy with my choice. This is what I will wear....this is who I am. A random choice of clothing...and not sending hours deciding and changing outfits...

That is just wasting time..

Picking up a black jacket I shrug it on over my shoulders to add another layer before grabbing my phone to check the time..

30 minutes to go.

I feel my stomach flip as a small smile tugs at my lips, nervous butterflies fluttering away and the growing feeling of excitement and nerves increasing by each second as the white numbers on phone change to show a minute later.

29 minutes to go.

Taking a deep breath, I can already feel my heart speeding up in my ribcage just at the thought of getting to see Noah in twenty nine minutes...I can't even seem to stop the smile growing on my face as I open my bedroom door and head towards the stairs

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now