Chapter 45

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New Chapter!

Ahh...I’ve had my first week at college! :O scary stuff.... :L ahaha :D

Soo yeah....i’ve uploaded!....oh and WOW! THANK YOU! Got just over 70,000 reads on this story! Amazing! I LOVE YOU :D

:) soo yea...hope you enjoy this chappie....not much...but enjoy! :D

Ahh oh and pleeease check this out??? ;) :D  







“How’s Tom?”

I turn my head around to see only my twin coming into the kitchen having asked that question....

Turning back round I continue to concentrate on mixing this milkshake that I’ve made for the little boy...

“Okay...I guess..” I tell him vaguely...this is like our second conversation since last night....if you count two words as a conversation...

I hear Seth sigh and he comes to stand beside me “Poor boy.....what’s mom said?” He asks as I feel his eyes on me...

I shrug again lightly answering vaguely “That it could be something he ate last night...” I tell him “And to give him rest...”

Seth nods.....eyes adverting from me for a second, then back to me....”Lexi...?” he trails off....

I let out a sigh, taking the spoon out of the cup dropping it into the sink as I’ve finished mixing the milk “What?” I say a bit too sharply turning around holding the cup and looking to my twin boredly....

Seth looks at me with a small frown “What’s wrong?....what have I done?”

I nearly roll my eyes at that, if he doesn’t know what....then why does he expect me to tell him?...surely he can work it out himself....seeing as I thought he would tell me when we got home last night, that didn’t if he doesn’t know...then I’m not telling him...

Brushing past him I ignore his question, walking out of the kitchen towards the stairs, with Tom’s cold drink in my hand....

“Lexi?...please....what is it?....are just worried about Tom?...because don’t be, he’ll be fine..”

“’s not just Tom” I cut him off narrowing my eyes as I climb the stairs, with him following

“Then what?” he asks, again.

“Oh I dunno.... maybe because instead of having someone you trust tell you something have to find out yourself....but then they don’t even admit it!...” I ramble out annoyed now

“Just forget it Seth.....I’ve got to see Tom” I tell him reaching the top of the stairs....and turning in the direction of Tom’s room.

Sighing to myself, I shake my head.....I’ll deal with Seth later.....because right now, this little man is more important...

Creeking open the bedroom door quietly, I enter a dim light room. The curtains drawn and only the night light glowing, giving just enough light....

I tip toe in, seeing a figure curled up on the bed I creep towards it, placing the glass on the bedside table...before gazing down at the sleeping boy....

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now