Chapter 23

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  • Dedicated to To everyone and anyone who's read/voted/commented on this story and those who ha

New chapter! :)

Dedicated to everyone and anyone who's read/voted/commented on this story and those who have fanned! :) Love you all! <3 means alot :)

I've changed to cover to this story.....people have said they preferred the second one (pictures on previous chapter) so there it is! :) --------------->

hope you like :)


ENJOY!! :)









“ARRG! Get off of me you fat arse!” I groan/laugh out as I push up on Chris whose still laying across me and Seth.....luckily the others have got off by now...just fat ass Chris who hasn’t.

He laughs, his deep chuckle that’s full of amusement...and finally rolls off us and onto the stand, pushing himself up..

I blow out a breath, finally being able to breathe properly and sit up with a small happy smile on my face....

“Haha... look at you two” Blake comes up laughing at me and Seth still on the sand.....

I roll my eyes lightly before reaching a hand up for him to help me up.

With a chuckle he pulls me up of the sand and I scrunch my nose up at the feel of my wet baggy clothes sticking to my body, along with the sand that’s just got stuck to them.....

I let go of Blake’s hand and rub my hands on my wet shorts, the small granules of sand scratching at my palms....

I chuckle once more shaking my head at my brothers and smile lightly.....

I jog back up the sand, back towards where mom is, leaving my brothers at the shore line...

“Mom?....chuck me a towel please?” I call to her as I approach, breathing slightly heavily as it’s hard to run over sand....

Mom looks up from the magazine she’s reading, looking at me through her sunglasses....and with a disappointed sigh she tosses me a dark blue towel...

“You guys should really be more careful” She says shifting position on her sun lounger and sitting up more...

I resist the erge to roll my eyes at her usual behaviour “We are mom” I say brushing droplets of water away from my eyes with the towel...

“I know....but especially with the little ones” She says glancing down the beach to where the younger ones have gone back to playing on the sand.....with...I frown...April.

Why are they even here anyway?......don’t get me wrong....I have nothing against Darren and Morgan, they’re just innocent little kids....but it’s the three older ones put it bluntly....I don’t like.

“How come they’re here mom?” I ask not being able to help my curiosity and in a kinda bitter tone

My mom looks back to me frowning slightly at my tone, I wrap the towel around me in hopes it would at least make me a little bit drier.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now