Chapter 24

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New chapter! :)

PLEASE pretty please can you go read my other story...’stranded with a jerk?’......I just recently uploaded two chapters...and  have waaayy more chapter planned to come up as I have a lot of the story line planned out :D :) :) it will mean alot if you do go read...andpossible comment on what you think :) thank you! <3

Annywayys here chapter 24 :)

Enjoy! :)




“Two strawberry and two blueberry slushies please” Seth leans on the counter as he asks the girl behind the counter....who to be doesn’t even look much older than us.....

“Sure thing” she smiles at him before turning around half way to reach behind for the slushy machine...

I scrunch my nose up as I rest both arms on the low counter as it’s bloody obvious she’s trying to get Seth’s attention or something....which Seth being...well oblivious to.

“Slut....” I mumble barely audible, but of course Seth hears....

He shakes his head at me a deep chuckle coming from him “You hate everyone” He says...well states really...

“I do not” I protest

Seth raises an eyebrow as if he doesn’t believe me “Really now? Like who?”

“I don’t hate you” I smirk

He rolls his eyes “Funny” He mutters sarcastically but with a small trace of a smile.

“I know right! I’m hilarious!” I chirp grinning

Seth shakes his head amused and shuffles his feet looking down “Whatever you say Lex, whatever you say” He muses

I gasp pretending to be offending “I am funny, and you know it” I make a ‘humph’ sound nodding and cross my arms over my chest turning away from him mockingly..

I hear his chuckle....which causes me to grin...a laugh of my own coming out at our weird behaviour...

“Two strawberry slushies” The girl’s chirpy voice cuts in as she comes back over placing the two cups on the counter “I’ll just do the other two now” She smiles, more directly at Seth and turns half back around again, i just look up at her boredly.....weirdo...

I pick up a straw and fiddle with it waiting for the bimbo to hurry up with the slushy...when I feel Tom start tugging on my still damp shirt...

“Lexwi...” He uses that whining/pouting voice that’s so adorable I just can’t help but smile as I glance down at him, he wanted to come with us along with Cory and Lee...but isn’t allowed a slushy according to mom for god knows what reason.....

“Yeah hun?” I look down at him....

He bits his lip frowning seeming to be deep in thought before glancing up at me...then to Seth....

Seth smiles “What’s up little man?” he asks before scooping Tom up in his arms....

Tom mumbles something to Seth, wrapping his small arms around his neck and I raise a questionable eyebrow at Seth...

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon