Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!- chapter one

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 New story :)

just had an idea so thought I'll use it :)

COMMENT/VOTE- what do you think????

Oh, two characters on the s

Their suppose to be indentical twins in the story....but oh's just to give you an idea of what they look like :) :P :)x


Edited 4/8/14 (briefly)

Edited 2/02/15 (fully)

* Okay it may be edited, HOWEVER It's not edited to perfection, there may still be a few mistakes but at least it's a little better..I hope  :)



I rummage through my draws frowning trying to find my bloody phone. I've searched through my entire room and this is the last place. Where is it?!

I stop pause suddenly, my eyes narrowing before I slam the draw shut and spin around on my heels.

"EVAN!" I yell storming out my room down the hall towards his and kick the door open with not even bothering to knock.

"Evan...-!" A girl's voice moans cutting off at my dramatic entrance.

My eyes widen to see two people on the bed under the covers. One being my older brother Evan.

"URR gross Evan. LOCK YOUR DAMN DOOR!" I yell and turn to go but pause by the door "Oh and GIVE MY BLOODY PHONE BACK!" I shout slamming the door shut.

You would think that would have scared me, seeing my own brother and some girl doing that, but frankly, I've walked in on him and a girl countless of times before.

I hear muffled moaning again and sprint away from his door. So gross. I do not need to hear that.

I cuss at him in my head plotting my revenge and go back to my room, only to bump into a little someone who's sat on the floor, silent tears running down his face.

I stop immediately and crouch down to his level.

"Tom, sweetie. What's wrong?" I ask softly to my 4 year old brother, Thomas.

He sniffs and looks up at me with his baby blue eyes that are now watery. His lip trembles and I scoop him up off the floor balancing him on my hip as he buries his head into my neck wrapping his arms around it too.

"" He said between sobs.

I rub his back holding him close "'s Ok. We'll go get it back, ok?" I tell him making my way towards the devils room. Yep he is truly a devil at only age 6.

I get to the closed door and open it up to see the mess that is the room belonging to Joe and Jack, two troublesome twins who are my brothers.

 "Joe, give Tom his truck back." I sigh as I see them both sat on the floor playing with Tom's red fire engine truck.

Joe looks up innocently and smiles "Why?"

I sigh getting annoyed "Because you made Tom upset." I say and Tom sniffs.

"But he let us use it" Jack his double wines

"N-no.....No...I not" Tom sobs

"Shhh" I sooth him and look at the two sat on the floor.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz