Chapter 26

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New chapter :)


I'm in bit of a bad mood as found out today I failed my maths exam :( sorry if this chapter isn't all that great.....but I wanted to upload as many of you wanted me to and enjoy reading this story :) which I'm very pleased! :)

Pic of Noah ;) ---------->


Enjoy! :)








Walking along the sea shore, I angrily splash through the waves as I reach some rocks at the other end of the beach.

I climb up them carelessly and reach the top where the platform you can walk is and lean against the metal barrier poles at the top, swinging my leg over and sit up on the top...

I glare at the sea as the waves as they crash up onto the rocks, each wave I watch I clench my hands tighter together as a mix of emotions spiral within me...and the only way I can get them out is to let one emotion take over.......anger.

Slipping of the railings I step onto the rocks, and lower myself down onto it as I pick up some loose stones and throwing them out to the sea...

It’s not my it?....I didn’t know Tom was watching.....but then again, I should have thought he was at least watching....I was chasing Joe, carelessly across the rocks...I should have known he would try to copy...

God damnit I’m so damn stupid!....

I bounce the small rock up and down in the palm of my hand before throwing it out towards the sea, glaring as I do...annoyed at myself more than anything...

It is my has to be. Evan wouldn’t shout at me if it wasn’t...he hardly ever does...

Sighing with irritation I throw another rock forcefully, watching it hit the large rocks at the bottom and bounce off splashing into the water...

“There’s no need for violence...what has that poor rock ever done to you...?”  I hear a voice chuckle suddenly causing me to jump and whip my head around...

I frown turning back around and tossing another rock into the sea “Go away...” I mumble not wanting to talk to him.

“Hmm....well that’s not nice..” He says I can hear the smirk in his voice and he comes closer...

What the hell is he doing here?....why is he here?..

“Tom’s alright by the way...” He says after a moment of silence and sits down on the rock only a few metres away from me....

I narrow my eyes at nothing and throw another stone, a little too forcefully I think.... “Good...” I mumble relieved he is...but still have guilt swimming in my gut...

“I think your mom was on about taking him home or well as the little ones...” Noah carries on to talk, oh so casually and looking out to the sea his shaggy hair blowing in the slight breeze....

I don’t say anything...just continue to throw stones to the water...what is he even doing here?....

“Why are you here?” I voice my thoughts frowning and glance at him from the corner of my eye slightly startled as I see he’s already looking at me...

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now