Chapter 66

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New chapterrrrrr

So sorry for you having to waaitt :( I do no not like making you guys wait as I feel guilty...And with reading all your lovely comments, it makes me want to upload......onlyyy just...I can't :( not straight away...

I'm on Summer holidays nowww! :) and have been busy with doing things for the past few weeks sooo hopefully..I can now get quicker uploads....if I start to think on what to write...and get this story moving morreee :)

I apologise that this chapter isn't....thaaaat great...possibly a little short...but I was struggling on what to actually write..and it's gone 1 in the morning here so I am sleeepyy :( hehe...but I couldn't hold this back I got through it :)

Anywaayy...thank you for all comments and votes! :) I love that loads of you love this story...and still don't actually quite believe that you do.... :)







I feel his thumb running over my check softly, causing my heart to accelerate as I hear it ringing in my ears and remember that my cheeks have smudged paint marks all over them, but that doesn't seem to matter as I can feel him close to me, so close that it's almost unbearable because he's right there, just a slight movement and those lips would be back against close to touching once more...

But like always, nothing goes the way I would like it to..


A loud voice pierces through the silence, causes us both to jump apart and my eyes to snap back open from surprise.


At the sound of the voice that I recognise, a frown instantly comes to my face as be spring apart and I slowly turn my head towards the patio doors up at the house to see the person I least would love to right now.

Of course's April.

With her bright, false smile as she walks closer to us, eyes flickering between the both of us almost suspiciously but she doesn't show it as she looks to her brother...

I gulp, looking down....oh god...did she see?

“What?!” Noah sighs, a slight edge to his voice as he rubs his forehead as a frown appears on it, his tone sounding irritated.

“Mom would like to see youuu” April replies in a sing song voice, still with that fake bright smile as she looks to her brother.

“What? Why?” Frowning Noah turns to look to her, the irritation still in his eyes which causes a tightening in my stomach, the butterflies feeling again as I wonder if he's thinking what I am..

If we didn't get interrupted...would that kiss would have happened.....

“I don't knoww...but c'mon! She's waiting!” My fist curls up by my side at her voice, damn her! Damn her for even coming out here!

Biting my lip my gaze lifts up to look to Noah, who heaves a sigh as he slowly gets to his feet, the sinking feeling in my chest become stronger and I look away from him to the concrete steps I'm sat on.

“Alright....I'm coming...” Noah mumbles as April urges him again and with seeing his feet in my eye line I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder cause me to look up.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now