Chapter 5- The Ways (Unedited)

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"Rule number one of training," Allene crossed her arms, "don't expect to be unexpected."

I grumbled and breathed out painfully. Slowly lifting myself up, I faced Allene with narrowed eyes. "How do you expect me to sneak up if you know I'm coming? That's a stupid training lesson."

Allene seemed to smirk. "Think of your enemies. They aren't gifted like you and I. After training like this, killing them from stealth will be easy."

"What enemies are you talking about?" I crossed my sore arms.

"You'll find out eventually, Hailey," Allene almost smiled. "Give it time."

"Do I have time to do something of my choice?" I asked politely.

"Like what?" Allene seemed to tense.

"I need to speak to someone," I started. "Logan."

Allene froze to her spot and clenched his fists. "No."

"Why not?" I pressed.

"Logan isn't to know of what I've taught you or what I'm going to teach you," Allene seemed to be hiding something.

"Why? Is he my enemy or something?" I rolled my eyes.

Allene was silent, her lips pressed into a hard line. My eyes widened to the sudden realization. Was Allene suggesting Logan was my enemy?

"Rule number two," Allene spoke coldly, "what happens during training, stays in training."

I glared at Allene as she walked away. A big part of me absolutely hated her, but another admired. Something about her reminded me of myself. Was it her drive to get what she wanted? Or was it just the fact I shared similar powers with her?

The caw of a hawk in a tree caught my attention and I turned to face it. It's eyes were a fierce red, reminding of someone who wielded powers.

"Logan?" I stepped forwards.

"He's at home," the hawk changed into Alec, who stood on the ground in front of me. He leaned against the tree casually, smirking as usual. "He's nice and cozy and safe."

"What are you doing here Alec?" I glanced around to see if Allene was nearby.

"I can't visit my sister in prison?" Alec taunted.

"I'm not in prison!" I hissed.

"Are you able to go places?" Alec asked, tilting his head slightly.

"No," I stated when he circled.

"Do you have freedom?"

"No," I hissed.

"Can you escape?" Alec finished circling me.

"No," I whispered.

"You sound pretty trapped to me. Any place where one can be trapped is like a prison," Alec smirked and narrowed his eyes. "So tell me, are you going to try and escape?"

"I'm not trapped," I argued. "And I have no reason to escape!"

"Yes you do," Alec became a little more serious. "She's changed you already, Hailey."

"Yes, she's improved my powers!" I argued, leaning forwards like Alec had slightly.

"She will do much worse," Alec seemed warning.

"Why should I believe you?" I snapped.

"See?" Alec pointed out, standing up straight again. "She has changed you."

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now