Chapter 16- Happy Days

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"HAILEY!" Jason's loud yell made me jump out of bed in surprise.

"What's wrong?" I was downstairs in seconds.

"Your goddamn horse ate my carrots!" Jason's face was flushed red with anger.

I stifled laughter when I looked to an innocent Illusion, who was pricking his eyes at me. "I'm sorry?"

"Sorry? Those finally turned out perfect!" Jason complained. "You have to go buy more!"

"Not today, I'm going to start riding him," I motioned to the large horse.

"It's been a week since he came to us. You could've started when he got here," Jason replied with anger.

"Not with his wounds I couldn't," I pointed out.

Over the past week, Jason had pitched in money for a bridle for riding. Today was the first day I planned on trying to ride Illusion for the first time. Jason seemed to have other plans.

"If he eats anything else, you have to pay for all of it and move him somewhere else!" Jason stated flatly.

"Okay," I paused. "It won't happen again, Jason, I promise."

Illusion stood patiently as I started brushing him off and then bridling him. Jason had gone back inside to tend to his costumers and sulk about his carrots.

I led Illusion outside to the clearing by Jason's house. Illusion pranced happily when I stopped him, stepping up to jump onto his smooth back.

"Good boy," I rubbed his thick neck.

Illusion pulled against the reins, but I didn't let him move forwards. It was weird riding for the first time in a long time, especially bareback. I had to feel a little more comfortable before anything bad happened.

"Are you just going to stand there for hours?" Jason called out from the exit of his store, watching me intently.

"No," I muttered and clucked for Illusion to move forwards.

We started off with some walking and trotting, which was simple and easy on Illusion's healed wounds. It took me a few large circles to get the gaits of Illusion down. Once I did, I loved it.

Illusion seemed to miss the attention of humans, because he slowly started becoming calmer the longer I rode. It had been close to four months since he'd had any riding time, maybe even human contact.

"You're a good rider," Jason stated when I stopped by him, Illusion flicking his head up in protest of not working.

"Thank you," I thought for a moment. "Have you ever ridden a horse?"

"No," Jason saw my eyes light up hopefulness. "With this old body, I won't be doing so now either."

"Oh come on," I pouted. "I'll lead you. honestly, you haven't lived if you haven't ridden a horse. They do something to you to change you forever."

"You can't make me get on that horse, Hailey," Jason crossed his arms.

I narrowed my eyes and slipped off of Illusion. "Even if I buy you a thousand carrots?"

Jason seemed to think on that. "Of the same kind?"

"And more if you want," I nodded.

"Fine," Jason walked towards Illusion.

Illusion eyed him gently and I clutched onto the reins. Jason carefully used a stool for a mounting block. I smiled once Jason gripped onto the mane of Illusion, his face tight.

"Relax a little, you're not going to get bucked off," I smiled.

"I know this horse hates me," Jason made Illusion tilt his head slightly.

I let out a laugh. "Maybe if you gave him a chance, he wouldn't."

Jason tightened his grip on Illusion when I clucked for Illusion to walk forwards slightly. With slow and careful steps, Illusion slowly started to walk next to me. His ears were flicked backwards, listening carefully to how Jason was reacting.

Eventually, Jason got more comfortable and started steering on his own. Illusion was patient, luckily, and followed wherever I walked. I laughed occasionally to reading both the minds of Illusion and Jason. Both had the same thought most of the time: this thing is going to kill me.

"I suggest you head towards the store," Jason stopped Illusion and slipped off his back. "I want my carrots for dinner."

"Oh yes sir," I rolled my eyes and glanced to Illusion, who pricked his ears at me.

"Please?" Jason asked.

"I will, but promise me one thing while I'm away," I paused as I jumped up onto Illusion again.

"What?" Jason seemed impatient.

"Don't let anyone in the house," I warned. "We haven't been apart since we met and something could happen."

"I promise nothing will happen to me, Hailey," Jason put a hand on my knee. "Watch yourself too."

"I will," I promised and clucked to Illusion.

I started trotting off, glancing back a few times to make sure Jason was alright. He waved a couple times, heading towards his store after a few seconds.

Why am I so worried? He's been on his own before.

Illusion snorted to my thoughts and I started walking him down the path towards the larger part of town.

He'll be okay.


Thank you all so so so much for 1K! It's official that all books of the Faith trilogy are over 1K! Woohoo! I'm so happy about that! Faith is up to almost 40K O_O HOLY CRAP! I've never expected that and I'm astounded! :D

I'm sorry it's so short, but I have my reasons, I promise!

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